
发布 2023-11-17 14:00:03 阅读 7935

unit 6meet my family


1.能听、说、认读本课句型:is this your father? what’s your mother?

he looks strong.2.能理解、会说let’s chant部分的内容。

3.能听懂、会说本课词汇与句型,并能在实际情境中运用。二、教学内容1.词汇:(巩固复习人物职业的词)doctor, driver, nurse, farmer, baseball player2.句型:

is this your…? what’s your mother? he looks strong.


1.教学重点:学生能听、说、认读句型:is this your…?

he looks….2.教学难点:学生能理解并会说句型:

they look young. are they farmers?四、教学准备。


2.学生准备一本自画的amy’s family photo book(可以是简笔画),可以模仿p74。3.磁带、录音机、课件、小动物头饰等。五、教学过程教学环节warm-up / review1.教师**let’s do(p73)的录音,引导学生边说边做动作。

2.教师(示范)与学生进行对话:how many people are there in your family? who are they?

what’s your…?引导学生进行对话练习。presentation

1.教师拿出事先收集的同学家庭成员的**,去寻找**的主人:is this your mother /…然后分发剩余的**,请学生运用句型is this your mother /…到班中去寻找**的主人,并出示句型is this your mother /…2.教师用课件出示一些**描述并提问:he / she looks young / cute / kind….

who’s he / she?s: he / she is….


shelikes….shelooks….并出示句子he / she looks….

3.教师出示photo book。

t: this is amy’s family’s photo book, who are they in her photo book? let’s look at your bookand listen to the tape.

教师**本课录音,引导学生看课本听录音。3.学生看课本听录音。b let’s talk

4.教师提出有关问题:who are they in amy’s photo book? what’s her father / mother / uncle/ aunt / grandpa / grandma?

引导学生回答,当问到爷爷奶奶的职业时,可紧接着问:are they…?并出示该句子。

5.教师**let’s chant(p 74)的**,引导学生跟节奏吟读。6.引导学生小组间、男女生之间以互相问答的形式吟读chant。六、板书设计。

unit 6meet my familylesson 5is this your …?she looks ….are they …?





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