
发布 2024-03-01 17:30:06 阅读 7171

4b unit9 (part a) 教学方案。


单元:unit 9



教学内容:part a

教学目标: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:

fridge, table, bread, egg, glass, 理解并会运用单词及短语:cupboard,breakfast, a carton of 。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语what’s for breakfast?

3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:where’s?

…where are? …以及答句:it’s …/they are …,理解掌握:

there’s no …in/on/near…, 并能交际运用。

4. 能够围绕早餐的话题,与他人交流,询问早餐吃什么,以及东西在**,学会给自己安排合理营养的早餐。

教学重难点: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:

fridge, table, bread, egg, glass, 理解并会运用单词及短语:cupboard, breakfast, a carton of。

2. 初步理解和掌握句型:where’s …?

where are …?以及答句:it’s …/they are …,理解掌握:

there’s no … in/on/near…, 并能够交际运用。

3. 能够围绕早餐的话题,与他人交流,询问早餐吃什么,以及东西在**,学会给自己安排合理营养的早餐。




1. t: hi, everyone.

glad to see you, again. 很高兴又和大家见面了。today we are going to talk about breakfast.

read after me. (教师带读)


what do you h**e for breakfast? what’s for breakfast? we h**e eggs, 盒”.

follow me, please. (ppt呈现: eggs, bread, a carton of milk)(教师带读)anything else?

sometimes we drink some juice. look! this is a carton of orange juice.

follow me, please. (教师带读: a carton of orange juice)

t: where’s the bread? look!

it’s in the fridge. follow me, please.(ppt显示句型)(教师带读:

fridge)look at the fridge. is there any milk in the fridge? no.

there’s no milk in the fridge.(ppt显示句型)(教师带读句型)there’s no milk in the fridge. where’s the milk then?

look! it’s on the table. (教师带读:

table)look! where’s the juice? (停顿)look!

it’s on the table, too. where are the eggs?(重复) look!

they’re in the cupboard. “cupboard” means “碗橱,小橱”. read after me, please.

(ppt显示**)(教师带读单词:cupboard及句型: they’re in the cupboard.

)oh, look, what’s in the cupboard, too? (停顿)very good. there’s a glass in the cupboard.

read after me. (教师带读单词:glass)whose glass is it?

you know? it’s helen’s. she’s at home.

it’s time to h**e breakfast now. what’s for helen’s breakfast? let’s go and h**e a look.




1 (ppt**课文动画)

2. (镜头转移)t: what’s for helen’s breakfast?

(停顿)最后她到底吃什么?是milk, bread and eggs吗?now, listen and watch again.

then answer the questions. 让我们先来看一下问题。


where’s helen’s glass?

where are the eggs? .

can helen h**e milk? why?(为什么)

what’s in the fridge?


h**e you got the answer? let’s take a look at the answers. (教师逐一给出答案) (ppt显示答案:)

where’s helen’s glass? it’s in the cupboard.

where are the eggs? they’re on the table

can helen h**e milk? why?(为什么) no. there’s no milk in the fridge.

what’s in the fridge? there’s a carton of orange juice in the fridge.(教师带读)

3. ok. now, let’s watch and listen again. please repeat. 请跟读。


4. t: well done, boys and girls.

now, please open your book at page 68. let’s read together, ok? (停顿)got it?

now, let’s start.(学生齐读) good. 现在让我们来分角色朗读。

boys, you are helen. girls, you are mum. ready?

go.(学生分角色朗读) very good. can you try to act this dialogue with your partner now?

请你来试试和同座位一起将对话表演出来吧,好吗?let’s begin.



用时: 5分钟。

1. t: great, boys and girls.

helen’s breakfast is so nice and good. what about my friend, billy? look!

he’s coming. hello, billy? wow, he’s so fat.

perhaps he likes eating very much. what’s for his breakfast? let’s ask him together, ok?

(停顿)what’s for your breakfast, billy?(ppt显示回答) wow, he eats too much. so he gets so fat, right?

让我们重新来为billy设计一份合理营养的早餐吧。 (ppt显示**)look! there are so much food.

它们都被放在了不同的位置。look! what’s for billy’s breakfast?


2. **到现场学生表演)

3. t: wow, 的确是一份不错的早餐,我想billy 一定会很喜欢的。

你也可以试试用屏幕上的句子和同座位一起为billy设计一份更加合理营养的早餐。read after me, please. (教师带读)试试看吧。



)结束语)t:ok, boys and girls, you did a very good job.下面让我们来回顾一下今天这节课所学的内容。

本节课我们谈论了helen的早餐,以及billy的早餐,学会了询问别人早餐吃什么,可以问:what’s for breakfast?,以及如何给自己安排合理营养的早餐。

同学们一定要多读课文,多加练习哦,那么下次再见啦,see you next time. bye!


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