
发布 2023-11-12 14:25:04 阅读 6893

牛津小学英语5b unit9 the english club第一课时教案。


一、教学内容:unit9 the english club (a)二、教学目标:

1、能听懂、会说国籍类和语言类单词:china,chinese/usa,american/uk,british, english,/ france, freneh

2、学习并掌握句型:where are you from? i’m fromi’mi speak及第三人称单数形式,并能正确灵活地运用。




能在实际交际中正确、灵活运用句型whereareyoufrom?i’mfromi’mi speak及第三人称单数形式。四、教具准备:



club visitor the usa the uk british american city countryfrench new york china chinese2.听录音,了解短文大意。六、教学过程:

stepl: free talk.1.

t: hello!s:


t: i’m miss wang .i’m from funing. i’m a teacher, i like running. how about

you?s1: i’ms2: i’m

2. t: can you tell me what do you usually do on sundays?s1: i usuallys2:

t:oh,isee, club.

step2: presentation1.揭题:the english club.

a.从freetalk中引出新词,出示课件“club”,指导学生发音,课件显示“english club”的场景指导学生理解词义。b.

板书课题,齐读。2、learn: china / chinese.

t: sometimes i go to the english club, but sometimes i watch sports on tv. ilike running.

do you ? today , i’ll show you a good player . let’s watch him!

(课件出示刘翔的画面) look, who’s he? oh, he’s liu xiang. he’s liu xiang,he’s from china , he’s chinese, he speaks chinese.

t: where is liu xiang from?

(在引导学生回答的同时,师板书:china chinese)t: can you tell liu xiang something about you?

引导学生用“i’m from china . i’m chinese . i speak chinese.”说话并补充板书:i’m from/ i’m/ i speak.

t: ok, let’s tell liu xiang together.

ss: hello, liu xiang. we’re from china. we’re chinese. we speak chinese.(师补充板书we’re)

3. learn:usa / american and french

课件出示奥巴马**)t: who is he ?is he from china?

s: no, he’s where is he from? guess!

you can talk about him in your groups.(学生在小组间讨论)。


he’s from the usa, he’s american . he speaks english. and french.

板书:the usa / american / french并指导朗读。)③t:

now ,you’re the man. please introduce yourself.4、learn:

uk / british / english(同法学习)

5,t: liu is from china. obama is from the usa.

harry potter is from the are from different countries.(学习country—countries)

step3 watch and answer

the children are from different countries too. where are they now? yes, theyare in the english club..

today the english club..has a visitor. who is he ?

let’swatch the cartoon and answer the following who is the visitor?b. where is he from?

c. where does he live ?d .

how many children are there?2. learn:

new york / city

t: where does he live? he lives in new york.

new york is a big city. i’d like tovisit it.(课件出示纽约**,学习city/visit/visitor)

step4:read and fill in the form(ppt)step5:read and say

step6 read and judge (write t or f)step7: summany and drill.1、教师针对板书内容进行梳理。


a生在小组内制定个人名片,并模仿范例中的句型进行写话。b生展示写话内容。step8 homework:

to the tape and read the dialogue. then try to retell(复述). the new words and a short self-introduction(自我介绍).


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