
发布 2024-03-01 01:30:12 阅读 9257

课题。my day(story time)第1课时。

本单元的主题是谈论一天的作息安排。教学重点是有关日常活动的短语、表示时间段的词组和句型when do you?i (usually)at在本单元教学中,教师可以将课本提供的场景与学生的生活实际联系起来,引导学生运用新的词汇和句型谈论自己一天的作息安排。

本课时的story time呈现了mike一天的作息时间安排。涉及到了get up, go to

教材简析。school,h**elunch,playfootball,gohome,domyhomework,h**edinner,watchtv, go to bed这些动词词组,其中get up, play football均已作四会要求,其余词组均不难理解。文中还涉及到了in the morning, in the afternoon, at sevenforty, every day, usually等表示时间和频率的单词词组。

story time部分的句式i(usually)at较简单,但词汇量较大,非整点时间的表达也是首次出现,usually一词也比较抽象不易理解,因此本课时的重点放在单词与词组的理解与应用上,可以充分利用**,帮助学生了解mike一天丰富多彩的活动。

教学afternoon, go home, homework, watch tv目。

标2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:h**e lunch, play football, h**e dinner, go to bed及。

重3.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型i (usually)at描述人物的日常活动。难。



活动一。what does mike do this day? discuss in groups and underline the phrases.活动二。

discuss the meanings of the phrases in groups and then read.活动三学习小组活动。

when does mike do these things? watch and finish the table in groups.活动四。

when do you usually do these things? please share with your group members.


教学过程。一、preparation1. greetings.2. play a game.

number game.(a. count from 1 to 20.

b. i say twenty-nine. i say thirty.)

3. free talk

how many subjects do you h**e this term? what are they?

do you like? what subjects do you like? why?

what subjects do you dislike?do you h**ethis morning?

what lessons do you h**e this morning/afternoon?when do you get up every day? who can ask me?

i get up at seven every day. so i usually get up at usually二、story time

1. you usually get up atwhat about mike?

whatdoesmikedothisday?readsilently,discussingroupsand underline the phrases.

1) read the passage silently and underline the phrases ingroups.(2) check.

3) upgo to school h**e lunchplay football go homedo my homeworkh**e dinner watch tvgo to bed(重点检查do my homework和watch tv )

2.(1)whendoesmikedothesethings?watchandfinishthetablein groups.

(ppt出示以下内容)activitiesget upgo to schoolh**e lunch


二次备课。play footballgo homedo my homeworkh**e dinnerwatch tv

go to bed

2) check the answer.



3. this is mike’s day. what about you?

when do you usually dothese things? please share with your group members.4.

read the story.四、consolidation1. retell the story.



unit 3 my day

板书设计。at seven fortygo to school

i (usually)atgo home

in the morning

on mondaydo my homework

watch tv

作业。1. copy the new words.布。

the story after the tape. try to imitate the pronunciation and the置。


设3. preview p20.计。





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