
发布 2024-03-01 01:30:12 阅读 5267

7b unit 3 finding your way

the first period

teaching contents :comic strip

teaching aims:

a : knowledge

the students master the following new words and phrases: way,follow,down,afraid

b: language skill

the students grasp the following new expression:

follow sb. be afraid i think we’ll h**e to go up again

c ; feeling

1 .to delevop students to like english

2 arouse students’ interest in learning english

teaching emphases:

make the students master the new words, phrases and expression.

teaching difficulties:

to identify specific details by following a route and marking points on a map.

teaching aids: tape,teaching process :teaching activities

step one free talk

t: do you know the way to the children’s palace?s:yes, i do.

t: can you tell me how to get to the summer palace? s:ok.

step two lead –in

listen to the tape. let’s h**e a guess what they are talking about.

step three presentation

1. ask the students to look at the comics on page 42.

t: hobo and eddie are going to a spring outing. now please listen to the tape and answer the questions.

where are hobo and eddie standing? (on top of a hill.)

how does hobo go down the hill? (hobo jumps down.)

what does the sign say? (it says ‘dogs this way’.)

do they h**e to go up the hill again? (yes, they do.)

2. t: now please listen to the tape.

3. t: ok, let’s read the dialogue together.

s:…4. t:

now, i’ll give you 2 minutes to read the dialogue with your partner. then i’ll invite some of you to come to the blackboard and role-play it.

follow me. 跟我来。

follow sb. 跟某人来。

eddie often follows james. 埃迪经常跟着吉姆。

拓展] follow sb. to do sth 跟着某人做某事。

we followed the old worker to visit the car factory yesterday.


are you sure? 你确定吗? 此句中sure意为“确定的,确信的”,此前我们学过该词,意为“当然,一定”。用来应答别人的要求。


你能帮助我吗? 当然可以。


be afraid 害怕。


it was very dark and i felt a little afraid. 天很黑,我感到有点害怕。

be afraid of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某事。

he is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗。

be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事。

my little sister is afraid to go out at night. 我小妹妹害怕晚上出去。

拓展]i’m afraid + 从句恐怕……(用于感到遗憾或有礼貌地表示不同意时)

i’m afraid he is not at home now. 恐怕他现在不在家。

i’m afraid i can’t come to the party. 恐怕我不能来参加晚会了。

--is mike there? 迈克在那里吗?

--i’m afraid not. 恐怕不在。




i think we’ll h**e to go up again.我想我们将不得不再上去了。

i think放在句首一般是用来表示说话人的一种主观认为。类似i’m afraid的用法。

think you are a good teacher.


注意]ithink后的句子中不可出现not,如要表示我认为…不…则只能用i don’t think +肯定句表示。

don’t think you are a good teacher.



a.ithink there are three baskets of apples on the floor.

b. i’m afraid mr wang is working in the classroom now.

step four practice

一。译出下列短语 :

1.下去2.别怕埃迪 3.不得不。

4.乘自行车 5.到达那儿6.到动物园去。



him with his english.

2do, not) your homework at school.

3be not) afraid to sing before your classmates and teachers.

you know whatdo) for our school trip?

think you’llh**e) toclean) the floor now.

6be not) late for class next time.

lei’s motherh**e) towash) clothes on sundays.

jimdo) his homework in the bedroom.

you know wherego) to enjoy yourself.

isthe south of china.


think we’ll h**e to go up again. (改为否定句)

lake is north of the zoo.(对划线部分提问)

come to school on foot every day.

class 1, grade 7 students are planning a trip.(同义表达)


to act out the dialogue between eddie and hobo with your partner.

are some places around our school. write instructions of the places.

1) the hospital is

2) the cinema

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