
发布 2024-03-01 01:25:12 阅读 8626

unit 5 how are you?

the first period

一 teaching content:

part a look and learn

二 teaching aims:

1.能掌握句型:how are you?

fine, thank you. /not bad, thank you. not so good.

i’m sorry.



三 teaching points and difficulties:

句型:how are you? fine. /not bad, thank you. not so good. i’m sorry.


四 teaching aids:

some pictures.

五 teaching procedure:

step 1 warm up

1. listen and sing a song: how are you?

2. free talk:

t: hi! /good morning. what’s your name? s: i’m ***.

t: hello! /good morning. i’m miss zhen.

s: hello! /good morning, miss zhen. i’m ***.

please introduce your classmate to me.

s1: hello, miss zhen. this is ***. t: nice to meet you.

s2: nice to meet you, too.

step 2 presentation and practice

look at the picture. who’s this? this is xi yang yang.

let’s say ‘good morning!’ to xi yang yang.

ss: good morning!

xi yang yang: good morning! how are you?

让学生先听how are you?的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音语调。

let’s watch a cartoon about ‘how are you?’.do you like to watch it?

if you want to be a polite student, please say ‘hello! how are you? ’to others.

please say ‘how are you?’ to xi yang yang.

ding dang说:“ fine , thank you.”)

老师示范 :“fine , thank you.” 的读音,让学生模仿practice in halves.

look at the picture. what are they talking about? just listen.

mr. bear: how are you? miss pig: fine, thank you. and you?

mr. bear. i’m fine, too.

师示范 “and you? /i’m fine, too. ”的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。

practice in rows.

t: how are you? s: fine, thank you. and you? t: i’m fine, too.


look at the picture. what’s mr. bear doing? he’s flying with a ball.

let’s say ‘how are you?’ to mr. bear.

ss: how are you? mr. bear: not bad, thank you.

师示范 “not bad” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。

practice. (boys ask and girls answer)


look at mr. bear. how lovely! let me say ‘how are you?’ to him.

t: how are you? mr bear: not so good. t: i’m sorry.

师示范 “not so good./ i’m sorry.” 的读音,让学生模仿,同时注意语音,老师检查反馈,并及时调整教学步骤。

practice in pairs.师生、生生间操练,同时出示哭脸表示not so good.和耸耸肩、摊摊手表示i’m sorry.。

step 3 consolidation

open the books at p30. listen and read after the teacher.

read together.

step 4 do a survey (if time permitted)


被调查的人在**上写上自己的名字,在回答“ fine, thank you.” not so good.” 的同时画上笑脸或哭脸表示

step 5 homework:

1. listen and read.

2. say ‘how are you?’ to dad and mum at home.


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