4AUnit4Ilike 第一课时

发布 2024-03-01 14:40:05 阅读 4887

《牛津小学英语》4a unit4 i like…(第一课时)


这节课以开始有学生的introduction中引出句型“do you like…?”让学生对句型有初步的感知,为下文新授句型做好铺垫,然后由“guessing game”引出新单词puppet。接着教授促使一个魔幻世界,变出一个doll,扣人心弦。

再通过问“do you likedolls?”“where can you buy dolls?”自然地把学生带到a toy shop,引出另一新授单词kite。

同时多**课件呈现被分成几块的风筝在拼起的过程,就形成了一个puppet,之后让学生do the puzzle,运用不同的方法来出示新授的单词,避免了单词教学方法的单一化,最后通过“魔力盒”和“调查表”两个任务活动,巩固所学单词和句型,让学生在玩中学,学中练,学中用。


step1. greetings

t: how are you?

ss: fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too. today i’m very happy. are you happy?

ss: yes, we’re happy.

t: ok! let’s sing a song “we’re happy bees”.

step2. free talk

t: whose turn is it today?

s1: it’s me.(学生做自我介绍)

t: do you like…?(用这个句型问学生问题)

now you can ask her /him some questions. 其余学生用do you like…?句型了解值日学生更多的爱好。

t: who wants to ask me?

s: do you like…,miss feng?

step3. presentation

do you like…,miss feng?

t: no, i don’t. but i like ****** things. look! what’s this in english?

s: a plane.

t: right. it’s a ***** plane.

look! is this a ***** plane?(show a card) what’s this? can you guess?

s: a sun / moon / cake?

t: it’s a face. whose face is this? do you know?

s: sorry, i don’t know.

t: is this your face? is this yangling’s face?


step4. learn the new words and drills

1. t: oh, it’s a face of a puppet.(s read the word after the teacher)

2. t: this is my puppet.

this is my puppet, too.(show another puppet)they are my puppets.

3. t: boys and girls.

i like puppets very much. do you like puppets? if you like, you can say“yes, i do.

”;if you don’t like, you can say“no, i don’t.”do you like puppets?

s: yes, i do.

t: me, too.(write down the sentences on the blackboard) here are puppets for you.

4. t: what’s this in english?(point to a bag on the desk)

s: it’s a bag.

t: yes, it’s my bag. it’s a magic bag.

it can make things.(put a puppet in the magic bag. ask students to close their eyes.


t: guess! what’s in the bag now?

s: it’s a puppet.

t: no, it’s a doll.(师领读)

5. t: i like dolls very much. i love dolls. do you like dolls?

s: yes, i do.

t: now where’s miss feng’s doll? (复数变到了单数)

s: on the desk.

t: where can you buy dolls?

s: in a supermarket / shop.

多**呈现a toy shop)

t: let’s go to the toy shop and h**e a look.

t: where’s the doll?

s: it’s on the sofa.

t: what’s next to the doll?

s: a kite.

t: kite, kite, flies in the sky(做动作)

this is my kite. do you h**e a kite?

s: (学生拿出课前画上各种颜色的风筝)yes.

t: show me your red / yellow /green…kites(以旧带新,引出新授单词kite)

6. t: look, it’s a kite. is it a kite?(多**呈现被分成几块的风筝)

s: no.(学生仔细观察,思考)

t: it’s another toy. this is a puzzle.(教师范读)they’re puzzles. do you like puzzles?

s: yes, i do.

t: let’s do the puzzles(学生做拼图游戏)


step5. consolidation

play a game:“魔力盒”。把所学单词**贴在盒子的六面,让一个学生随意抛掷盒子,其余学生问:

what’s this / that in english? do you llike…? here you are.


step6. listen and learn

1. listen to the tape.

2. read after the tape.

3. practise in pairs.

4. act the dialogue.

step7. an assignment

t: tomorrow is miss feng’s birthday. i want to invite you to my house.

but i don’t know what toys do you like. so i want you to help me do a survey.

1. _likes___

2. _likes___

step8. homework

1. listen to the dialogue three times.

2. copy the new words four times and recite them.


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