
发布 2023-11-13 00:55:03 阅读 7454

unit 3 look at the moon


牛津小学英语2a》第三单元,第一课时(sun, star, moon, look at the…)


1. 能听懂,会说,初步认读sun, star, moon 发音正确。

2. 能运用句型 look at the . 对常见星体进行介绍,语音语调正确。

3. 初步了解单词 bright, big, small.


1. 能听懂、会说,初步认读单词 moon, star 和sun.

2. 能正确运用句型look at the . 来介绍常见星体。


能在适当的场合正确运用句型look at the .


1. 教具准备:

牛津小学英语2a》unit 1 part a 的**,unit3 part b look and learn 的**;

helen 和 su yang 的面具, 太阳星星月亮的面具;


2. 板书准备:

预先写好课题unit3 look at the moon .


step1 : revision (5 mins)

出示helen和su yang 面具,引导小朋友戴上面具,用已经学过的“hi/hello, i’m…” 来打招呼。

让学生扮演helen并出示unit 1 part a 的**,引导学生用“who’s he/she?” he’s/she’s my . 来进行问答练习。


step2: presentation and practice

t: we know su yang and su hai are the twins. let’s see what are they doing?

t:look, they are watching the sky. what do they see in the sky?

(帮助学生理解 in the sky 的意思)。 is it in the morning?

ss: no, it isn’t.

t: what do they see in the sky? (say in chinese) what’s this? (point to the moon)

ss: 月亮。

t: yes, it’s a moon. (出示单词指导学生正确朗读)

say a chant.

moon moon, 是月亮。

t: boys and girls. let’s learn a ****** sentence.

look at the moon. oh, it’s bright.

t: we can see the moon at night, what also can we see at night? (先说英文,再说中文)

ss: 星星。

t:yes, we also can see the star. (出示**)

t:read after me. star star

say a chant.

star star 是星星。

小小美术家(draw a star)

t: ss, we can see the moon and the star at night, we can see what in the morning or in the afternoon. (中英文对照说)

do a guessing game.

t: it’s red. and it’s big.

you can see it in the morning or in the afternoon. guess! what is it ?

ss: 太阳。

read after me

say a chant

sun sun, 是太阳。

a game : find out the sun .

a short revision and do a game.

t: when i say sun, the boys stand up; when i say the moon, the girls stand up; when i say the star, everyone just sit down. ok?


step3: consolidation:

1. 出示课中使用的红旗实物,引导学生说:

this flag is big. it’s big.

that flag is small. it’s small.

2. 出示大小不同的太阳和星星,引导学生讨论:(ppt)

3. 完成课堂小练习。

4. do a game. (if time is permited)

step4: assignment:

1. 用英语向你的家人介绍太阳,星星,月亮。

2. 回家听课文录音,能够跟读。

板书设计。unit3 look at the moon

look at the moon. look at the star. look at the sun.

look at the . it’s small/big.

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