
发布 2024-03-01 01:30:12 阅读 9436



1、教材分析: last weekend是义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(pep)六年级下册unit 3的内容。在上一单元中,学生已经接触过一般过去时态,本节课除了复习一般现在时态和五年级学过的多个动词词组外,我们还通过did youlast weekend?

和what did you do last weekend?句型,掌握watch, wash, clean, play和visit的动词过去式。教材中创设了main scene , part a let’s learn 和let’s find out,让学生运用所学的句型讲述和回忆图中发生过的事情,进一步巩固新词组和提高学生的口头表达能力。

教材中穿插了一首节奏明快,琅琅上口的let’s chant,既突出了重点的句型,又愉悦了学生的身心,还让学生对动词过去式不规则变化产生悬念,给他们留下了大量创造和想象的空间,培养英语思维。

2、学情分析: 小学六年级的学生,已经具备流利朗读单词、句子和课文的能力。能用简单句进行日常的对话,并有较高的听力理解能力和一定的阅读、写作水平。

他们已经掌握了一般现在时态、现在进行时态和一般将来时态。在本册第二单元中曾经出现过两次过去时态:1)i failed the math test.

2)class 1 won the game.学生对一般过去时态开始有朦胧的认识。


课程标准:掌握watched tv, washed the clothes, cleaned the room, played football 和visited grandparents五个词组的动词过去式的规则变化。能够听懂问句:

did you ..last weekend? what did you do last weekend?


知识与技能:1) 通过看图说话活动,进一步巩固五个词组的读音,并运用过去时态回答did she / he ..last weekend?

what did she / he do last weekend? 2) 能归纳出以上五个词组动词过去式的结构,并能在教师的引导下准确说出其它部分规则变化的动词过去式。 3)完成let’s find out 中的任务,要求学生说出what did zoom do last weekend?



1) 利用肢体语言,复习多个动词词组。

2) 利用游戏活动,突出五个动词词组(watch tv, wash the clothes, clean the clothes, play football, visit grandparents)。

3) 看图说话(main scene , part a let’s learn 和let’s find out),巩固句型。

4) 说话练习,提高语言运用能力。

5) let’s chant,归纳总结,自编let’s chant,拓展思维。


4、教学策略:1)本课时主要学习五个动词词组的过去式表达方法,教师要善于利用tpr活动教学法和cai教学手段,让学生“玩中学”“动中学”,拓宽视野,达到掌握词组、句型和语言交际的教学目标。2) 倡导自主,合作,**的学习方式,充分激发学生的主动意识和探索精神,注重质疑和交流。

3)在理解新课内容的基础上,调动已有的知识储备,大胆发言, 不拘一格,畅所欲言,展示才华。4) 教学过程中体现全员参与,全面参与,全程参与。


step 1

t: what do you usually do on the weekend? s1:

i usually go hiking. s2: i usually play football.

s3: i usually read books.

s4: i usually visit my grandparents. s5: i usually ride a bike in the park. .

t: look at the pictures. what does john usually do on the weekend?

s1: he usually does homework. s2:

he usually washes clothes.

s3: he usually visits his grandparents. s4:

he usually cleans the room. s5: he usually goes to a park.

.step 2

t: what day is it today? and what’s the date? s: today is thursday, march 26th .

教师出示一个大挂历给大家看,圈出今天的日子thursday, march 26th 。)t: it’s thursday today.

and it’s mar. 26th .

it was mar. 19th last thursday. it was mar.

20th last friday. it was mar. 21st last saturday.

it was mar. 22nd last sunday. so last weekend was mar.

21st and 22nd.

教师用红笔圈出上周末的时间 mar.21st and 22nd 。)t:

did you play the piano last weekend? s1: no, i didn’t.

t: did you watch tv last weekend? s1: yes, i did.

t: did you clean the room last weekend? s2: no, i didn’t.

t: did you play football last weekend? s2: yes, i did.

教师板书:did you play football last weekend? yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.

students practise the sentence patterns in pairs.

step 3

t: what did mike do last weekend? can you guess?

s1: did he watch tv last weekend? t:

no, he didn’t.

s2: did he visit grandparents last weekend? t: no, he didn’t.

s3: did he go swimming last weekend? t: no, he didn’t.

s4: did he play football last weekend? t: yes, he did. look at the picture.

what did mike do last weekend? .

教师用同一步骤呈现 watched tv, washed the clothes, cleaned the room,visited grandparents。

教师板书: what did he / she / you do last weekend? she washed [t] the clothes last weekend.

she cleaned [d] the room last weekend.

step 4

t: (main scene ) what did mike do last weekend? (let’s find out ) what did zoom do last weekend?

please pratise the dialogues in groups for three minutes.

s1: did zoom watch tv last weekend? s2:

yes, he did. he watched news on tv. s1:

what about mike? did he watch tv, too? s2:

yes, he did. he watched cartoons. s1:

did they feel happy? s2: yes, they did.

.step 5

t: what did you do last weekend? s1:

i goed to the cinema. s2: i flyed a kite.

s3: i buyed some books. s4:

i taked many pictures. s5: i swimmed in the lake.


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