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4b《unit 6 let’s go by taxi》教学案 (teaching & studying plan)

单位: 沙岗小学年级: 四年级设计者:徐静文时间:2012 .3 .29

4b《unit 6 let’s go by taxi》课堂教学实录( teaching record)

课题 (title):牛津小学英语4b unit 6 let’s go by taxi

课时 (period):第一课时。

执教时间 (time):2012年3月29日。

执教班级 (class):沙小四(2)班。

执教老师 (teacher):徐静文。

教学过程 (teaching procedures):

step 1 warming up and revision

课前**g部分的歌曲《the wheels on the bus》,渲染英语的氛围。

1. greetings

t: let’s begin our class.

ss: stand up.

t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.

ss: nice to meet you, too.

t: how are you?

s: fine, thank you. and you?

t: not bad, thank you.

2. free talk

t: hello, ***, nice to see you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

t: who’s that girl?

s: she’s...

t: is she your friend?

s: yes, she is.

t: who is your friend?

s: *** is my friend.

t: is he your friend?

s: no, he isn’t.

t: i think, he can be your friend. our class is a big family.

we are all friends. yes?

s: yes

t: am i your friend? is miss wu your friend?

s: yes

t: oh, i’m very happy. i’m your friend. you’re my friends. we are all friends.

设计意图:学习英语的最终目的就是让学生能在生活中进行应用,因此,在free talk 中我们应该充分挖掘学生的已有知识,让学生在轻松的氛围中进入英语学习。)

step 2 revision

1. play a guessing game: four riddles

t: now, let’s play a guessing game. here are some riddles about places.

(出示:places 地点,读2遍,贴在黑板上)try to guess: where is it?

are you ready? ok.

1) park

t: there are some flowers and trees, we can go and play in it. where is it?

s1: park.

s2: park.

t: (出示: park)is he/she right?

ss: yes. it’s a park.

t: well down.(把park贴上黑板)

2)zoothere are many animals in it: pandas, tigers, monkeys, elephants and so on. where is it?

s1: zoo.

s2: zoo.

t: (出示:zoo)yes, you are right. it’s a __

s: zoo.

t: good job.(把zoo贴上黑板)

(3) supermarket

t: there are many food and drinks in it. we can buy lots of things. s1: supermarket.

s2: supermarket.

t: (出示:supermarket.)yes, you are right. it’s a __

s: supermarket.

t: nice work. (将supermarket贴上黑板)

4) cinema

t: the last riddle. we can watch films(电影)in it. where’s it?

s1: cinema.

s2: cinema.

t: (出示: cinema)is he/she right?

ss: yes. it’s a cinema.

t: excellent.(贴上cinema)let’s read it twice.

生读。 设计意图:引出并复习四个已经学过的关于地点的单词:

cinema,zoo, park, supermarket,为新内容的呈现做好铺垫。谜语具有一定的挑战性,充分调动了孩子们已有的知识。)

2. cai呈现:say a chant: let’s go.

t: now, boys and girls. look, here’s a chant. can you say it?

s: yes.

t: now please read it by yourself.

s: 生自读。

t: great, next, follow me please.

let’s go to the park. ok, ok, ok.


let’s go to the supermarket. all right, all right, all right.

点头表示all right)

let’s go to the zoo. good, good, good.


let’s go to the cinema. great, great, great.


2) 生齐读表演。

设计意图:let’s go to… 这个句型是三年级上册学过的,因此,对于孩子们来讲,这个chant, 并不难,关键是如何让孩子用正确的语音语调去朗读,以及通过chant记住应答语:ok, all right, good, great,为接下来呈现:

shall we go to… 打下基础。因此,采用tpr教学法,孩子一边听,一边说,一边表演,能充分调动孩子的积极性,取得好的课堂效果。)

step 3 presentation

1. 师生对话,引出并教学教学how do we go there?

1) 师生对话引出句型。


t: spring is coming. let’s go the great wall, ok?

s: ok.

t: but how? how do we go there? by bus? by car?

s: by...

t: hello, nice girl. shall we go to the great wall?

s: good.

t: how do we go there? (呈现句型:how do we go there?)

s: by...

2) 讲解句型:how do we go there?

t: great. follow me, please, there- go there- how do we go there?

s: there-go there-how do we go there?

t: now, boys and girls, lets say a chant:

there, there, go there. how do we go there? (领读,齐读,个别读)

呈现比较:how do we go to the park/zoo?

how do we go there?




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