
发布 2024-03-01 17:35:06 阅读 9851

一、warm up

t :good afternoon, boys and girls.

s: good afternoon, miss li.

t: how are you, boys and girls.

s: fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too. nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you,too.

二、presentation and practice

t: boys and girls, look! many teachers are listening to our class.

so today is open day.(教授)

it’s time for class now. let’s sing a song for the teachers, ok?

ss: sing a song<>

t: the song is beautiful! boys and girls , our classroom is nice, it’s big and bright.(教授)


t: what can you see in the classroom?

s: i can see a/some…

当学生用i can see…来回来时,t用there be 句型来重复,给学生做铺垫)

t: i like our classroom. beacause there is a …(教授there is …**车读)

and there are some …(教授 there are … **车读)

t问 what’s in the classroom?

s: there is a … there are some …

t: can you ask me what’s in the classroom?

s: what’s in the classroom?

t: there is a blackboard.(教授)

there are some windows.

there is a … there are some …

work in pairs

t: boys and girls, you know today is the open day, today is the open day of ben’s school too.

let’s look at ben’s school. ben’s school is nice too. this is a classroom, this is a music room(教授),this is a library.

i want to know what’s in the classroom? what’s in the music room? what’s in the library?

let’s look at the cartoon.(a部分的动画片)


t:what’s in the classroom?

s: there is a … there are some …

t: yes, there is a … there are some … there is a tv, sometimes we watch tv in the classroom. 教授 sometimes

boys and girls, sometimes i stand in the classroom, sometimes i read in the classroom. i want to know what do you do in the classroom?

s: sometimes i draw./ sometimes i write. /sometimes i read./ sometimes i copy.

t: what’s in the music room?

s: there is a piano.

t: where is the piano?(listen!)

s: 学生模仿读 near the piano

t教授 near

t: what’s in the music room?

s: there are some books.

t: are these some english books?

s: no.

t: i think they are songbooks.(教授)

what’s in the library?

s: there are some books.

t: there are lots of books. i think lots of is best.(教授)

t举例说lots of pencils/lots of dogs/lots of apples/lots of footballs …




2. 招聘导游。(用学过的句型来介绍自己的学校)


1. describe your home in 5 sentences.

2. read after the tape (part a).

教学反思:本课的教学内容是“介绍教室”和陈述某种客观存在物(或人)的常用句型there’s a / there are some ….重点要让学生明白此句型中is 和are的用法,以培养学生的空间想象能力。

在教学过程中,我导入歌曲 “what’s in the classroom?”即是本单元内容,又为本节课学习句型埋下伏笔,孩子们可以通过歌曲来营造氛围,也很容易地把新句型记下来了。把学生带入本单元教学,再通过一个开放性的问题:

what can you see in the classroom? 让学生复习旧知,引出新知there is a ……in the classroom. 然后在此单数形式的句型的基础上让学生**复数形式的句型there are some …在自己**的过程中更好的掌握巩固句型。


最后,我用**式教学法要求学生介绍一下自己的学校并且用已学过的句型来描述,以达到灵活正确使用句型there’s a / there are some …的目的。这种学习方法使学生有了具体的动机和目的就能自主地学习,并且主动地用所学语言去做事情,在做事情的过程中自然地使用语言,在使用所学语言的过程中发展语言能力。在一节课的时间里,我运用单词学习,句型巩固,看图说话,小组讨论设计自己的学校等方式充分调动学生学习英语的积极性、主动性和创造性,极大地激发学生学习的兴趣和乐于用英语进行交流的习惯,让学生在实际的操作过程中,主动获取知识、运用知识,发展能力,从而提高学生的运用能力和学习意识。

第4章作业4 8答案

4.8解 1 划分区间,计算gi 使用excel绘制直方图。根据分布辨识,数据服从正态分布。进行点估计。计算其均值 n 87带入,求得。方差 所以,由点估计,可以确定该库存系统工件发送的分布为正态分布,其概率密度函数为 其中,即。2 提出假设 h0 随机变量x满足正态分布。h1 随机变量x不满足正态...


1 our classroom我们的教室 2 big and bright又大又明亮 3 some bookcases一些书柜。4 near the window在窗户附近 5 on the piano在钢琴上 6 lots of books 许多书。7 in the library在图书馆里 8 ...


8b unit 4复习。一 词组。out分发 money f or 为 筹钱。with 在 方面 帮忙 a charity show 组织慈善表演。money捐钱6.on time准时。lot of people from local business part in 参加。up the stage...