
发布 2022-12-28 11:35:28 阅读 1229

8b unit 4复习。

一.词组。out分发 money f or… 为…筹钱。

with…在….(方面)帮忙 a charity show 组织慈善表演。

money捐钱6. on time准时。

lot of people from local business part in 参加。

up the stage搭建舞台 a very important job做一件非常重要的工作。

on the interent 在网上做广告 12..keep on doing sth 不断地做某事。

to do sth记得要做某事 doing sth记得做过某事。

excitement=excitedly兴奋地 both sides of the stage在舞台的两边。

17 .in the beginning=at first 起初,开始 18. at the end of 在---末尾,尽头

19 in the end=at last=finally 最后 on 从事。

21 keep silent 保持沉默22 project hope希望工程。

23 project green hope绿色希望工程 24 s**e china’s tigers拯救中国虎。

25 sping bud project春蕾计划 lot of support大力支持。

27 in the four corners of the school hall 学校大厅的四角。

for one’s education支付教育费用 snowy day 有雪天。

29. decide to do=make a decision to do 决定干某事。


1. only if you sleep during the day. only if 意思是“只有”

---can join the charity walk只有)you are over eighteen years old.

i h**e been chosen to be the host of a charity show.

be chosen to be/as 被选做….

he被选做我们的班长) since last term.

lot of work needed to be finished.

need to be done=need doing.

need to do sth需要做某事,表示主动意义。

something is wrong with my computer and it needsrepair).

you don't needdo) it all by can ask your friends for help.

was my job to introduce each star.

it is+n./adj+to do sth.在这个结构中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。

it is very important for students学好英语很重要)。

it is a nurse dutythe patient.照顾病人是**的职责。

seemed to happen so fast,and now it is all over.


同义句=it seemed that everything happened so fast.

he seemed to be happy.= he seemedthat he was happy.

will the money be used for?钱用来做什么?what …for=why

why did you do thatdid you do that

h**e arranged work among the students.我们已在学生中分配了工作。

among“在……中”一般用于三者或三者以上 between 用于两者之中。

the teacher is standingthe excited students now.

parents h**e no money,so the children h**e to go to work instead.这些孩子的父母们没有钱,所以他们得去干活。instead是副词”代替,反而,却”表示”没做本应该做的事,反而…-

our english teacher has gone abroad,so takes his class instead.

instead of 是介词短语,instead of sth/doing sth

he will not play football,he will play basketball

he will play basketballfootball.

will be a great success(n.)=it will be very successful(adj.).这将是巨大的成功。

was also very nervous because of the tv camera.因为电视镜头,我也非常紧张。

because of 表示原因,后面跟名词,名词短语,代词。可以转化成because+从句。

i was also very nervous

it rained he**ily yesterday, so we didn't play basketball

we didn't play basketballthe___rain yesterday.

time to be nervous any more.不再有时间紧张了。not…any more=no more“不再….”

the baby didn't cry any more=the babycried.


1. 一般将来时的被动语态(will+ be+vpp.) am/is/are going to be +vpp.)

he hopes more events like this will be orgnized/are going to be organized to raise money for chaity.

our new library will be built/is going to be built next year.

2. 含有情态动词的被动语态。can/may/must/should/ought to +be+vpp.

i can/may/must/should be helped.

a lot of money can be raised at the chaity show.

must the homework be handed in today?

i think more people should be invited to take part in them.

3. 现在完成时的被动语态。 h**e/has been+vpp

m illie has been chosen as the host of the chaity show.


he g**e me a book.=i was given a book.= a book was given to me.

he bought me a bike=i was bought a bicycle.=a bicycle was bought for me.


the teacher ofthen makes us read english aloud in the moring.

we are ofthen made to read english aloud in the moring.

改写句子。1. he sent me a postcard at christmas

2. i saw the boy write a letter yesterday.

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