
发布 2022-12-28 11:34:28 阅读 6938


unit 10 单元测试题。

written test part (共95分)

. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


)21. we regard amy __one of the most successful film actresses.

a. to b. with c. as d. of

)22h**e you lived in the countryside?

since five years ago.

a. how soon b. how long c. how often d. how much

)23. i am moved by lots of news, _the news that mo shuangyi, a schoolboy in yichun collected wastes and sold them for money to s**e his father.

a. actually b. usually c. probably d. especially

)24. cathy hasn’t phoned her mother since she __to america. her mother is worried about her a lot.

a. goesb. will go c. went d. has gone

)25. —did you buy the bike for 200 yuan?

yes. i h**e __it for about two years.

a. hadb. returned c. borrowed d. bought

)26. one of my earliest childhood __is that my mother read stories to me by the fire. i really enjoyed those happy days.

a. decisions b. developments c. memories d. achievements

)27. your room is in a mess. you should __some of your junk.

a. clear out b. check out c. find out d. cut out

)28. —is your watch lost?

yes. we __around for hours, but couldn’t find it.

a. progressed b. searched c. swept d. threw

)29. he’s considering __a used car because he doesn’t h**e enough money for a new one.

a. buyb. buyingc. to buy d. bought

)30. i was surprised at the number of plants in such a small room — i __500.

a. guessed b. reported c. explained d. counted

)31. the teacher often says to us there is no __in saying “i don’t know”.

a. success b. pressure c. shame d. change

)32. these books are his f**orites, so he didn’t want to __any of them at the yard sale.

a. part with b. make up c. put away d. take down

)33. i h**e been busy with my work. i wish i could find much time __more reading.

a. dob. to doc. doing d. done

)34. —when will d**e arrive here?

oh, he __he is eating in the dining room.

a. arrives b. is arriving c. has arrived d. arrive

)35.—what do you think of the dress that i h**e made for you?

___just the way i wanted it to look.

a. it’s a big deal b. that’s perfect

c. you’re kidding d. no problem

. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


d**id is a tall man with a bright smile. the american has visited many interesting places in the world. now he is teaching in dongxiang, a county (县) in gansu province.

there people who 36 him well usually call him ding dawei.

d**id has been a primary school teacher there since 2000. he is a volunteer and he 37 the children with their english. when i first met him, i was surprised that he could speak chinese so well.

d**id was born in cleveland, ohio. 38 he was a third-year student in college, he came to china and studied in peking university. one year 39 he returned to the us.

in 1994, he came to china again and found a 40 . before coming to dongxiang, he worked 41 an english teacher in a university for seven years.

42 , i h**e been to many places in china. but i like working in dongxiang, especially with children in schools like this,” said d**id.


一 单选题。1.如图所示a b两个正方体放在水平地面上,已知两物体的边长之比是la lb 2 1,重力之比为ga gb 3 2,则a地面压强与b对地面的压强之比为 a.3 8 b.3 1 c.2 3 d.3 4 2.三个相同的容器内水面高度相同,甲容器内只有水,乙容器内有木块漂浮在水面上,丙容器中悬...

八年级英语下册8 9单元测试卷

unit 8 to unit 9 说明 1 本试卷分为第 卷 选择题 和第 卷 非选择题 两部分。2 选择题请将其标号填入题前的括号内,非选择题在相应空白处作答。3 全卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟。第 卷 选择题,共70分 一 听力理解 每小题1分,共20分 单句理解。听句子,选出与所听到的句...


填大于 等于或小于 8 弹簧测力计拉完全相同的物块a和b,把它们叠放在水平。桌面上,用10n的拉力没有把a和b拉动,此时的摩擦力。为 n 用15n的拉力时a和b一起做匀速直线运动,此时木块a受到的摩擦力为 n,木块b受到的摩擦力为 n。9 一个质量大的a和一个质量小的b球,把。它们放在一个表面非常光...