
发布 2022-12-29 16:19:28 阅读 7526

词组:1. an amusement parka water park

2. a space museum3. h**e/has been to

4. h**e/has gone to5. take the subway

of/about7. around the world=all over the world

8. one….the other9. call it a theme park

coasters11. walk around

12. disney cruise13. take a ride on the boat

14. on board15. take different routes

16. end up17. tr**el to…

18. an english-speaking country19. welcome to…

way to do sth= the way of doing sth.

21. a flight attendant22. a tour guide

23. start doing sth24. take lessons

25. le**e school26. think about doing sth.

27. rather than28. improve my listening skills

29. take a holiday30. three quarters of the population

31. wake up32. be asleepbe awake

33. all year round34. on the one hand…,on the other hand…

重点句:1. 你曾经去过水族馆吗?__you everan aquarium?

2. 我们从没去过水上公园。webeen to a water park.

3. 我们大多数人很可能都听说过mickey mouseof usprobablymickey mouse.

4. 过山车是以迪斯尼人物为主题的。the roller coasterdisney character.

5. 你可以看到迪斯尼人物一直在迪斯尼乐园里到处走。you candisney charactersdisneyland

6. 你可以在船上兜风好几天,你可以在船上睡和吃。you canon the boat __several days,and you can sleep and eat

7. 船的旅行都走不同的路线,但是他们都在同一个地方结束。the boat rides allbut they allin the same place.

8. 在迪斯尼乐园就是有这么都的乐趣。

9. it is justin disneyland.

10. 学习另外一门语言很有趣。__funanother language.

11. 欢迎到我们班级来our class!

12. 当我是个小女孩的时候,我所有曾经想要做的事就是旅行。when i was a young girl, _i ever wanted to do was

13. 我决定最好的做这个的方法是成为空中乘务员。i decided thatto do this wasa flight attendant.

14. 是因为我会讲英语所以我得到了这个工作because i could speak englishi got the job.

15. 我已经开始在这个学校上课了。i __startedat this school.

16. 也许当我毕业时我将考虑成为一名英语老师而不是一名导游。maybe when ii’llan englisha tour guide.

17. 这个在东南亚的小岛是一个度假的好地方。this small island in southeast asia is a wonderful place

18. 它也是一个练习你的英语的好地方。it’s also a good placeyour english.

19. 如果你感到勇敢,新加坡是一个尝试新食物的好地方。if you are feelingsingapore is an excellent placenew food.

20. 超过四分之三的人口是中国人。__thanof the population are chinese.

21. 你将不会有任何问题找到米饭、面条和水饺。you won’tanyrice, noodles, or dumplings.

22. 在天黑的时候去动物园也许看起来很奇怪。it might __strange __go to the zoo when it’s dark.

23. 它的气温一整年几乎都是一样。the temperature isthe same

24. 你可以选择在你喜欢的任何时候去。you can choose __goyou like.

交际用语:1.--h**e you ever been to an amusement park? -yes, i h**e./ no, i h**en’t.

2.--i h**e ever been to a zooi h**e never been to a space museum.

---so h**e i. =me, tooneither h**e i .=me neither.

语法:现在完成时: h**e/has+done

1) 表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响:(与ever, never, already, yet, just, before, so far…等不确定的时间状语连用)

ieverbe) to beijing.

we __alreadyfinish)our homework.

heneversee)an english movies.

___she everspeak) to a foreigner?

theymeet) the movie star.

inevertr**el) to an english-speaking country.

tom __everwrite) a letter in english.

icollect) 50 stamps so far.

2) 表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作和状态。(与for+段时间,since+点时间,these days, recently, all this years等表示一段时间的词连用。动词一定要用可持续动词)

helive) in xiamen for 6 years now.

welearn) english since we were 10 years old.

she got the job last year.= shethe job for 1 year.


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