
发布 2024-02-29 04:15:08 阅读 7897

8a unit1 friends comic strip&welcome to the unit








课前自学。一、 翻译下列短语和句子。

1 饿了2 你真好。

3 再来一些食物4 分享我的快乐。

5 诚实的6 保守秘密。

7 使我快乐8 有问题。

9 干净且整洁10 有趣的。

11 **天赋的12 我能喝点什么吗?是的,可以。

13 冰箱里没有别的东西。


1 what does eddie give hobo?

2 is there anything else in the fridge?

3 what does hobo want? why?

三、预习welcome to the unit partb,根据实际情况,用恰当的形容词来填空。

qualities are very important in a good friend?

quailities are quite important in a good friend?

quailities are not important in a good friend?


一。听录音,回答comic strip问题。

does hobo get from eddie?

is there in the fridge?

二、 朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话。

三、 根据对话内容,完成下面短文。

today hobo waseddie g**e himand some___hobo wanted to h**efood. but there wasin the fridge. at last, eddie had tothe pizza with hobo.

四、 小组讨论:who do you like better as a friend, eddie or hobo? why?

五、 根据上面的讨论,得出好朋友应该具备的那些品质,展示预习检测的第三题。

六、 完成welcome 的a部分,并且收集重点词组。



1 my friend是诚实的).

2 i canamy对……讲任何事情).

is not enough bread for supper. we need to再买一些).

4有多少碗) are there in the cupboard?

— there are four.

5 my best friend often让我开心).

6 he always helps me when i有困难).


1. peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h___

n___in the bottle. it’s empty(空的).

friend often shares his欢乐) with me.

4. don’t tell anything to her because she can’t keep sfor you .

5. we often borrow books and杂志) from our school library.

三。选择。 )1.--can i h**eof course .here you are..

more cakes few food a few food d. a little eggs

)2honest boy you are ! thank you!

an b. what c. how an a

)3.--which word can’t describe (描述)appearance(外貌。

a. beautiful b. helpful c. prety

) is very___so we all want to make __with her.

a. friends friendly b. friendly friends

c. friendly friendly friends

)5.--where __will you go,children? -let’s go to binhai ,a nice and modern city.

c. else d. the other

) believe __he says. he’s just telling a lie .

b. when c. what

)7.--is thereleft in the fridge? -only some eggs.

else anything c. something else d. anything else



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