
发布 2024-03-01 14:05:05 阅读 2604

8a unit3第一课时 comic strip and welcome to the unit



**)of the usa lives in the white house.

(宽) is the bridge?

bridge is made of___钢铁)

weight of the steel is 83,000___吨)








usually read some useful magazines.(用next term替换usually)

theysome useful magazines next term.

bike is new,too.(改写句子)

his bike ismine.

h**ing a great time in australia.(同义句转换)

i’min australia.

golden gate bridge is 90 feet wide.(对划线部分提问)

is the golden gate bridge?

weight of the stone is 200 tons.(同义句改写)

the stone___200 tons___



you need toand


theis abuildinga big garden and many trees.


in venice, people usually

8a unit3第二课时 reading(1)

一. 根据中文或提示完成单词。

1. he is studying the___of eastern countries these days.(文化)

2. it is___to listen to the same story again and again.(枯燥的)

3. you must a at the airport two hours early.

4. every young man in the villiage j the battle(战斗)

5. i___final) beat(击败)her in that match.

6. both swimming and stamp collecting are his___interest).

7. they hurt __they) in a traffic accident.

8. there are many___place) of interest in beijing.

二. 单选。

1.-why were you late for the show?

-it was rush was___traffic on the road.

b lot of lot of many

care,there a lot of on the street now.

has a house__a garden,it’s old___beautiful.

hearing the news,we became___

must go now,it takes about an hour __the station__taxi.

get,in get to,by to,in

it’s very cold,we need __warm clothes.

wear 三. 句型转换。

took us about two hours to get there by coach.(同义)

we___about two hours___a coach there.

journey is a little boring.(划线提问)

___did you __the journey?

got to the place of interest yesterday.(同义)

theythe interest yesterday.

old man is over sixty years old.(同义)

the old man issixty years old.

tower is made of metal.( 划线提问)

the tower made of?

8a unit3第三课时 reading(2)

一. 根据中文完成单词。

sun was shining and the __天空)was clear.

was a lot of __车辆)on the city roads.

are models of more than a hundred places of___兴趣)from all over the world.

made of___金属)and really tall.

saw the main __风景)of the world in just one day



四.翻译。1. kitty的老师邀请我参加他们去世界公园的旅游。

kitty's teacherme totheirto the world park

2. 从kitty的学校乘长途汽车到世界公园需要两小时左右。

the trip from kitty's school __about two hours

3. 我和kitty大部分旅途都在晕车。

kitty and iforthe trip.

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