
发布 2023-11-13 06:05:06 阅读 6230

教学内容:unit 7 after school 第一课时



1. 能听说读写单词 news*****, picture book, chess, play with, laugh

2. 能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读,会写句子:are they …?is he/she …?


1.能四会掌握单词news*****, picture book, chess, play with

2.能听懂会说,会读,会写句子: are they …?is he/she …?及其回答。





1. 示图复习句型:what's he/she doing?

ss:he's/she's running/dancing/sing/…


1. 复习单词。

在复习过程中用多**出示**read a news*****, read a magazine, read a picture book.等。

show picture and ask: what's he doing?

s: he's reading.

t: he's reading a news*****.

show 词组: read a news*****

ss 学说并拼读: news*****.

t: is he reading a news*****?

s: yes, he is. 师生问答。

2.图:read a magazine.

t: is she reading a news*****? s:no, she isn't.

t:what's she doing? she's reading a magazine.

show 词组: read a magazine ss 学说。

同理:read a picture b ook.拼读: a picture book.

同桌练习: is he/she ….

yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn't.

3. "play chess" ,play cards"

t:what are they doing? they're playing chess.

learn to say: play chess. 拼读 chess

t: are they playing chess? s: yes, they are. 反复问答。

出示**: play cards

t: are they playing chess? s: no, they aren't.

t: what are they doing? they're playing cards.

learn to say: play cards.

同桌练习: are they …?yes, they are. no, they aren't.

4. "play with a yo-yo" "play with marbles"

show a yo-yo. t: look , it's a yo-yo. i'm playing with a yo-yo now.

learn to say: play with a yo-yo.

出示**:play with a yo-yo

t: is he playing with a yo-yo. s:yes,he is.

show a marble.

learn to say a marble, marbles.

5. 巩固句型:

1) 出示句型:are they …?is he/she …?

yes, they are. no, they aren't. yes, he/she is.

no, he/she isn't.



2)看图说话书p 55 work in pairs.

1) is he sitting on a volleyball?

no, he's not. he's sitting on a basketball.

2)are they playing cards?

no, they aren't. they're playing chess.

3)are they playing with yo-yos?

no, they aren't. they're playing with marbles.



copy the words and sentences.

板书设计:unit 7 after school

news*****, picture book, chess,

play with, laugh


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