
发布 2020-11-01 20:39:28 阅读 5427

学习内容:unit5 section(3a-4)

学习目标:1. 知识目标:1)学习本部分的短语及语法 2)学会并运用本部分的句型。

2. 能力目标: 谈论因果关系

3. 情感态度和价值观:做出决定是否做某事。



学习过程:一。read the article about 3a ,(1)t or f

) is easy for many young people to become a professional athlete

) athletes give money to schools and charities

) being a professional athlete is very dangerous

2)answer the questions

will happen if a professional athlete is famous?

the professional athletes happy?

二 1.阅读并翻译,找出自己的疑问,然后小组交流。







live (现在分词)__for (反义词)__charity(复数)__


poor(反义词)__child (复数)__

三.close your book and fill the blanks:(再次阅读短文完成该短文所缺内容)

if i成为一名运动员), will i会幸福吗)?for many young people成为一名专业的运动员) might似乎是一份理想的工作). if you成为一名职业运动员), you will能做你喜欢的事情来谋生)。

if you出名了),people全世界将认识) athletes给学校和慈善机构措钱) and do许多工作来帮助人们). this is大好机会) than many people do not h**e.

however, professional athletes can also有很多麻烦事). if you are famous, people will随时盯着你) and到处跟着你)。 this can生活很困难)。

if you play sports为生),your job will sometimes会很危险).

many professional asthletes受过伤)。 and if you变得富有),you will很难知道) who你真正的朋友是谁事实上), many famous people报怨) that they are not happy. they say they更幸福)before they变得有名有利)。

is too young to谋生).

works hard一直).

cloud in the sky看起来像) a sheep .

chinese want to make friends with people全世界).

有困难) finishing the job . the boy didn’t受伤) in the fire .

7实际上) he lies to his teacher .

去看电影) with our friends tonight .

enjoy与---一起工作) children

1.__become) an athlete is my dream .

make a living __grow) vegetables .

h**e a difficult time __find)out who broke the window .

kind of job is __danger) .

people got __injure) in the earthquake that year .

___work) with you next year .

decidesbecome) a socer player .

itnot rain) ,i __go ) boating tomorrow .

always does homework carefuly . 同义句)

he does homework carefully

go to see a film this evening . 同义句)

i’llcan find stones here and there . 同义句)

youfind stones __

tr**els in the world . 同义句)

he tr**les

much work to do . 同义句)

there iswork to do .

may be a policeman . 同义句)

___he is a policeman .

baby cries at times . 同义句)

the baby cries


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