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unit 5 it must belong to carla

本单元主要学习情态动词: must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法,学会用这些情态动词谈论某种可能性。

第一课时: sectiona1a—2c


一掌握本课时生词的正确发音及拼写:1,belong 属于 2,belong to 属于 3, author 作家,作者 4,picnic 郊游,野餐 5,hair band 发带 6, possibly 可能地(30%的可能性)

二掌握短语 belong to 的用法。

三掌握情态动词:must / may / can / might / could 表推测的用法。

学习重难点】1 belong to 的用法。2 情态动词:must / may / can / might / could 表推测的。


一课前复习下列句型:用 whose 询问物体所有者,用be 和所有格及名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词进行回答:

a,这是谁的书is this? 或:__is this book?

b,这是王平的书。this isbook. =this book is

c,这是他的/我的书。this isbook.= this book is


1 belong to 的用法:重点词组,意为:“某物属于某人或某人属于某个组织或团体”后接宾格。

如:这是我的书。this book belongs to me.=this book is __this is __book .

我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。ithe swimming club.

注:belong to 没有被动语态和进行时态。

误:this book is belonged to me. 或:this book is belonging to me .

2情态动词must, may, can, might, could 表示推测的用法:

1) must, may, might, could. 表示肯定的推测。其中 must 表示“一定”,有90%以上的把握。

may 次之。might, could 可能性最小。

如:this book must be tom’s, his name is on it.

where is my book? it may be in your desk.(无根据但有可能)

2)can 只用于否定句和疑问句。如:(有人敲门)完成下列对话:

a:__it be tom? 可能是汤姆吗?

b:no, it __be tom, he has gone to america yesterday.不可能是汤姆,他昨天去美国了。

can’t 表示推测的意义与must 刚好是反义词。


2单项选择: 1) whose book is this ? it __be linda’s, it has her name on it.

a can b may c must d need

2) h**e you decided where to spend your summer holiday?

not yet, we __go to qingdao. a must b should c need d may

3) look at that girl ! is it susan? no, it __be her, she has gone back to her hometown.

a, mustn’t b, can’t c, needn’t d, wouldn’t

4) whose shirt is this? it __be li lei’s, it is too big for him. a, could b, must c, can’t d, might 5) what is your mother going to do this saturday?

i am not sure, she __go to see my grandmother. a, can b, must c, may d, should

四)、特别提示: 1 must/ may/ might/could be + 名词性物主代词/名词所有格/ 形代+名词。

如:whose book is this? it must be mine/ tom’s / her book.

2 must/ may/ might / could belong to +宾格代词或名词。如:it must belong to him / tom.

五)、听力训练:完成课文中34,35 页1b, 2a, 2b 中的听力任务。


1 他最喜欢的作家。 2 在野营活动中3 听古典**。

4 打排球5 在上学6学法语。

7 去参加**会 8 弹吉它9 属于。

二)根据句意,用must, could, can’t might填空。

1 whose skirt is this? i think it __be anna’s, she is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class.

2 whose earring is this? it __be alice’s, she wears earrings sometimes.

3 whose jeans are these? i found them on the chair in the living room.

they __be mine, i put all my jeans on my bed.

4 is this jim’s football? yes, it __be his , there is his name on it .

5. the boy has practiced dancing for two hours. he __be very tired.

6. your mother __be in beijing, because she has gone to shanghai.

7. don’t play on the street. you __be hurt by cars.

8the tall girl __be tina. tina is short.

9. my father __h**e the key to the door, but i’m not sure.

10. they __know many people here, because they h**e just moved here.

unit 5 it must belong to carla

第二课时导学案:(section a 3a-4)


落下,掉下。 2。symphony. 交响乐 3,optometrist. 验光师。配镜师。

4,appointment 约会。 约定。 5, crucial 关键的,至关重要的。

6,make up 形成,组成。 7,final 最后的,最终的。8,anxious 忧虑的,焦虑的 9,worried.

烦恼的,焦虑的。 10,owner. 所有者,物主。

11,oxford university 牛津大学。

二正确理解3a 中的课文三掌握本课时**现的重点词汇、短语和句型。

学习重难点】一)理确3a 中的课文。二)重点词汇,短语和句型。

学习过程】 一课前预习本课时生词。掌握各生词的正确发音。

二预习3a 中的课文,给句子排序。三正确翻译出每个句子?

重点导学:1 anxious = worried焦虑的,烦恼的。

be anxious about / for 为---而担忧。= be worried about =worry about .

如don’t be anxious about him.=don’t worry about him.= don’t be worried about him.

2 be anxious to do sth. 渴望做—

he is anxious to buy a new bike, but anxious about h**ing no money.

3 drop 落下,掉下。you dropped your keys on the ground.

drop = give up 放弃。english is hard, but don’t drop it .

4 it’s crucial that +从句。 关键是---it’s crucial that i must finish my work before 8:00.

it’s crucial for sb to do sth. 对于某人来说,做---是至关重要的。


九年级英语导学案总第 23 课时。自主学习 一 预习课本p33 34新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1 筷子 2.硬币 3 叉子4.衬衫 5 银器 6.玻璃 7 棉花8.钢铁 9 展览会10.草地 11 叶子 12.生产 13 普遍地14.加工 15 包装 二 认真预习1a 2d找出下列短语和句型。...


unit 5 it must belong to carla 导学案 一 section a 1a 2c 詹孟玲。学习目标 1 掌握本课时生词和短语。new words belong,author,picnic,possibly key phrases belong to go for a picn...


学习内容 unit5 section 3a 4 学习目标 1.知识目标 1 学习本部分的短语及语法 2 学会并运用本部分的句型。2.能力目标 谈论因果关系 3.情感态度和价值观 做出决定是否做某事。学习重点 掌握3a短文中知识点。学习难点 根据短文内容谈论自己的理想。学习过程 一。read the ...