
发布 2024-03-07 06:25:12 阅读 8600


一、teaching contents:

九年义务教育六年制小学教科书。牛津小学英语》4b unit5第三课时。

二、teaching aims:



三、teaching importance :


四、teaching difficulties:

使学生能正确运用询问人物职业的句型“what’s his/ her job?what aretheir job?”并能正确运用“he’s / she’s … they’re…”来回答相应的问句。

五、teaching aids :


六、teaching procedures:

step one: warming-up

sing the song “who’s that girl?”

step two: greeting and revision

t: what’s my job, do you know?ss: you are a teacher.

t: yes, i’m a teacher. ×what’s your job?s1: i’m a student.

t: yes, and what’s your mother’s job?

s1: she’s a ….


step three: presentation

now, let’s watch a video: “a dream”

t: is it funny?s1: yes!

t: what’s this in english?(呈现小鸡**)ss: it’s a yes,what’s his job?s1: he’s a waiter.

t: yes, what are their jobs? are they waiters, too?


s1: no, they aren’t. they’re drivers.2.t:look. this is my family photo.

who are they? what are their jobs? you can ask me.

(板书呈现句型并叫同学到台前与老师进行问答)1)s1: who’s he?t:

he’s my what’s his job?t: he’s a...

2)s2: who’s he?t:

he’s my what’s his job?t: he’s a...

3)s3: who’s she?t: she’s my mother.

s3: what’s her job?t:

she’s a...4)s4: who’s she?

t: he’s my what’s her job?t:

she’s a...

i know you take a lot of family photos here. would you pleasepractice this dialogue with your desk mates?a:

who’s he / she?b: he’s / she’s my ….

a: what’s his/ her job?

b: he’s / she’s a...

step four: games and presentation

t: yesterday is lily’s birthday. on his birthday party, we can see many


1)t: look, these are his parents. what are their jobs?

屏幕呈现剪影,同时板书呈现句型what are their jobs?they’re ….t:

please look carefully and guess “ what are their jobs?”group1: they’re great!

you are clever.

now, boys and girls, look, lily’s aunt is coming. what’s her job?(多**屏幕呈现剪影)group2:

she’s a doctor.

t: yes, good. is lily and that’s her sister. what are their jobs?

多**屏幕呈现剪影)group 3: they are nurses.

t: wonderful! this is lily’s uncle. what’s herjob?group 4: she is a great!

2)用同样的方法对书上part b其余几幅图,小组之间,男女生之间进行问答。

a. group: what are their jobs?

group: they are: what’s his job?

group: he’s a group: what are their jobs?

group:they’re:what’s her job?

group:she’s a boys : what’s his job?

girls: he’s a policeman.

step four: practice

ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures.(同桌利用书本**进行对话)2.鼓励学生说一小段话。

t:look at this picture, it’s a photo of lily’s family. look, this is a nurse.

this is his grandfather. he is a teacher. this is hisgrandmother.

she is a doctor. this is his uncle, he’s a policeman. and hisaunt is a at this young man, he’s li ping’s brother, he’s a do you know this girl?

yes, she’s li ping’s sister. she’s a nurse, please show us your family photo, and talk about your family members,give the students several minutes to practice with their partners, thenask some students to introduce their family in front of the class.)

step five: homework


2.学生用询问人物职业的句型“what’s his/ her job?what are theirjob?”进行练习运用“he’s / she’s … they’re…”来回答相应的问句。


unit 5review and checkwhat’s his / her job?

he/s / she’s …

what are their jobs?



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