四年级英语下册Unit5 2 教案人教版PEP

发布 2023-02-03 10:02:28 阅读 3675

unit _5__ how much is it?

first lesson

specific vocabulary: colorful pretty cheap expensive

specific target sentences: it’s cheap/pretty/expensive/ functional exponents: able to describe the character of clothingsource of material:


assumptions:三年级上册u4 b chant : look at the cat.

it is fat. look at .利用该chant来唤起学生的记忆,练习本课句型look at that dress, it’s problems:

expensive的读音会比较难读。step 1 warm-up/revision

1.课前**三年级上册u4 b chant(温故引新)

whatdoyouwanttowear?step 2 presentation

1.引出shopping: today is amy’s birthday. let’s go to her birthday party, ok?

but i don’t h**e a pretty dress. so let’s go shopping, ok? look! this is aclothes shop.


1)pretty: a:look at the clothes in the shop.

i see a dress. it’s 幻灯出示chant: look at that dress, it is 带读。

d:boys/ girls chant

e:my skirt is pretty. my sweater is pretty, too. how about yours?

引导学生说出my --is---这一句型,用上学生自己带的衣服)2)colourful: a:(课件呈现一条裙)look at the skirt.

red and yellow and pink and

green. so many colours!

b:播chant:colour,colour,colourful,ih**eacolourfulskirt,you h**e a colourful 句型练习my .

is colourful.

3)expensive: a:the skirt is colourful. i like it so much. how much is it? wow!

500yuan. it’s so 出示chant: look at that skirt , it’s expensive.


your dress expensive? (引导学生讲句子)

4) cheap: a:the skirt is 500 yuan. it’s expensive. but this jacket is 10 yuan.

it’s cheap.

5)比较cheap和expensive (出示有标价的两种东西,问which is cheap/expensive?)step 3 games

:listening and saying.准备本课单词及衣服单词,同位一份。

老师读句子,学生抓单词并说句子,如t says “the dress is pretty”, ss should catch “dress”and “pretty”, and stand up. (举得最快的组要读出整个句子)

2. (设置surprise,古董文物a不好看,但是很贵;女孩背影b很漂亮但实际脸长满皱纹)(有整个小组来讨论,猜出答案)step 4 conclusion

1. it’实物)look! ‘re not expensive.

2. sing a song: i send the flowers to amy .

she must be very happy. look! amy ispretty .

(课件)it’s her birthday. let’s sing a song for her. (生日歌+同样曲子套上本课所学内容)

3. let’ s chant: we learn “ unit 5 how much is it ”chant播一次,用实物来帮助理解,两组问两组答,共同完成chant。

step 5 homework



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一 设计说明。1 话题 clothes 2 课题说明 本课的话题为clothes,主要学习skirt,t shirt,chess,jacket,sweater,shirt这几种服饰名称。在这些单词中,jacket,t shirt由于是音译词,所以相对来说它们的发音比较简单,相对来说,sweater在...