
发布 2020-03-20 22:40:28 阅读 1701

unit 5 dinner’s ready!



本课的主要内容是学生通过实践学习能够听懂、会说、会认读、单词:beef, noodles, soup, chicken, vegetable;及相关句型 what would you like?及其答句 i’d like some….

对于句型的学习,教师可以以三年级上册第五单元let’s eat!为基础带领学生学习本单元的新知识。这样不但复习了旧知识,而且对新知识的学习作了很好的铺垫。


教学目标。1、 能够听懂、会说、会认读单词:noodle, beef, chicken, soup, vegetable。

2、 能够听懂、会说、会认读句子:what would you like? i’d like some…并能够在真实的语境中灵活使用。

3、 能够在掌握本课句型的基础上,初步掌握询问**和回答**的句型。

4、 培养学生养成科学饮食的良好习惯。


1、 能够听懂、会说、会认读单词:noodle, beef, chicken, soup, vegetable。

2、 能够灵活运用句型:what would you like? i’d like some….



教学步骤。step 1 warming up & revision

1. brain storm

t: boys and girls, do you remember some food we h**e learned? like rice, bread, milk… anything else?

think about that.


2. let’s talk

a: i’m hungry.

b: h**e some …,please.

a: thank you. i’d like some …,too.

b: ok. here you are.

a: thanks.


step 2 presentation & practice

1. t: boys and girls, let’s go to the restaurant. ok?

ss: ok.

2. 展示课件,**录音。

welcome to our restaurant. there are many kinds of food in our restaurant. we h**e beef, noodles, soup, chicken and vegetables.

what would you like?


3. 教授新单词。


b.将单词放到i’d like some …句型中来读。

c.在学生读的同时将问句 what would you like? 引出。


4. practice

a. play a game: what’ missing?

b. let’s chant

would you like, would you like

what would you like?

beef, beef

i’d like some beef.


c. chain game


5. 出示菜单,并标明**,教学生掌握**的表达方法。

6. let’s talk

a: good morning. what would you like?

b: i’d like some …,please.

a: …yuan, please.

b: here you are.

a: thank you.

step 3 extension

1. watch a cartoon

a. 学生说出在故事**现的食物有哪些。

b. 拓展 anything else?

2. listen and read a dialogue.


3. listen to a song “ what would you like?”

初步认识 spoon, fork, knife.

4. listen and read a dialogue

拓展 how much?

step 4 let’s talk

a: good morning. what would you like?

b: i’d like some …,please.

a: here you are.

b : thank you. how much?

a: …yuan, please.


1. 听录音,熟读本课新单词。

2.试用what would you like?来询问家人或朋友。


unite 5 part a 教学目标 1 听 说 认读rice fish beef soup noodles vegetablel六个表示食物的单词。2 初步掌握what would you like?i d like some 的用法。教学重难点 教学重点 听 说 认读rice fish bee...

PEP四年级下册Unit5 教学设计

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编辑。时间。unit 5 peter is writing教学反思。在第一课时中,我以激昂的状态进入课堂,也把学生带入了积极主动的学习状态中,师生配合默契。从英语儿歌 sunday morning 导入开始,再从已学的课文入手,与学生交流 what s s1 doing?复习句型的同时引出所学单词。...