
发布 2020-03-20 16:54:28 阅读 6469

4a unit5


1、四会单词和词组:文具、动物、生活用品类单词2、四会句型:mayih**e? thisisforwhat’sthis

that?it’s athis is /that’s my/your/his/her及其一般疑问句式where’smy/your/his/her?perhapsit’sin/onwhat’sthis/that in english?

do you like? yes, i do./no , i don’t.

3、三会单词和词组:notebook , brush , bear , lion

4、三会日常交际用语: may i come in? i’d like, please.



本单元是复习单元,侧重归纳了本册书第一至第四单元中的主要语言项目。通过看图编号、涂色、完成句子、说话等练习,帮助学生归纳整理所学的词汇、日常交际用语和句型等。本单元的look and talk呈现了第一至第四单元的主要单词。


4a unit 5(第一课时)一、教学内容。

part a look, read, and write二、教学目标。

1. review the new words from unit 1 to unit 42. review the new sentences from unit 1 to unit 4.


the use of the new words.

the new sentences: here’s a … for … thank like … me …?

do you like …?yes, i do. /no, i don’ this your …?yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.



单词卡片、磁带、录音机2.学生准备:预习part a

五、教学过程step 1 free talk

1)hello, how are you? where are you now? where is( the)?

板书where are you now? where is (the)?practise in pairs.

2) t: is this your pencil?

s: yes, it is.

t: (turn to another student) is this your pencil?

s: no, it (引导说)板书句型:is this your…?

yes, it is.

no, it isn’

in four.

3)oh , is this your? do you like? do you like your?板书以上句型,;两人一组编对话。

step 2 revision

1. t: (拿一只玩具熊) do you like bears? look at this toy bear. i like

it very me too.

t: here’s a toy bear for thank you.2.课件出示句型:i like this…me, too.

here’s a…for you.


3.(对其中一组学生说)t:oh,s: sure. here you are.

1.课件出示句型:i like your….can i h**e a look?sure. here you are.

translate the sentences,让同桌相互操练该句型。

step 3 presention

their books and do the part a.

a).t-s / s-s.

b)write the letters a-l in the their answers.

them to choose any pictures they like, and act the picture.

unit 5 review and check

图一b k图二c g图三a图四e l图五d h图六f j

step 4 homework

the dialogues of part a.一英一中。 the dialogues from unit 1 to unit 4 the color pens next part bc


a: where are you now?b: where is (the)?

a: is this your…?

b: yes, it is.

a: no, it isn’

a: i like this…b: me , too.

a: here’s a…for thank you.

a: i like your….can i h**e a look?b: sure. here you are.


unit 5第二课时。

一、教学内容part b c二、教学目标。





单词卡片、磁带、录音机2.学生准备:预习part bc


step talk and revision.


excuse me , is that a?what’s that over there?may i h**e a?

can i help you?look at my?do you like his/her?

competition: each team chooses a volunteer, he/ she can

makean order to the next team, asong or saya see which team can do the best colors.


2)t: what’s this?

s: it’s a what color is it?s: it’s red.

write“red”on the that over there?s: it’s an what color is it?s: it’s blue.

write“blue”on the blackboard.

then encourage them to make dialogue like this in pairs. (use theirown things) write down the color they used on the blackboard.

step 2 b read, write, and colour

the books and turn to p40, read the demand for

the teacher asks: where’s the fan? the student responds withthe number of the fan.

to help them match the sentence to thepicture.

3.(合上书回忆)t: where’s the?what color is the umbrella?

s: it’s red. (看谁回忆得多,颜色说得快、正确。)

step 3 conserlidation

单词归类:文具类:book, storybook, notebook, bookmark, pen, pencil, pencilcase, crayon, ruler

动物类:monkey, lion, panda, tiger, bear, dog , cat , rabbit玩具类:toy bus, puzzle, doll, kite, puppet, toy car, toy bike日用品:

umbrella, purse, fan, water bottle, key家具:desk, bed, sofa, fridge, cupboard

step4 part c

1. (at the same time check their dictation.)t:

excuse me, is that a pen?s: no, it isn’t.

it’s a ball thank you.

give them some time to prepare the other 3 pictures. (first,they should fulfill each dialogue. then practice in pairs.

afterthat,asksomepairstocometothefront,showusthedialogue,3. same way to fulfill the left part.

4. read the whole dialogue after the teacher.

5. encourage them to choose any part (1 or 2) they like, then

act in four. (one part has 4 pictures)

choose any part they like and copy them. one time in englishand one time in chinese for each one.

the sentences of the part b. (once in english and chinese

each)all the words from unit1 to unit4. they will be checked

next time.

unit 5 part d


unit 5 review and check

red blue brownyellow orange green


unit 5第三课时。

一、教学内容part d二、教学目标。



the usage of the new new sentences:where’s?it’s on/in





step 1 free talk and revision

everyday english.

excuse me , is that a?what’s that over there?may i h**e a?can i help you?look at my

step 2 look and talk

用手势表示on /in.

如:put yourin/on the听口令做动作。

请学生背过身,藏起他的一件物品,并问where’syour?要求用it’s in/on来回答。板书:where’s your?

it’s in/onpractise in four.3. look and talk.

板书:where is the?

4.投影:part d**(又近及远、由上而下)

t: where’s the?

比一比谁先找到老师报道的物品用it’s in/on回答。)practise in pairs.

5.投影:p26 part d look , read and complete**t: where’s the?

s: it’s on/in

practise in pairs.

step 3 consolidation

1.寻找物主可以问:where’s×××he/she is in/on询问物品的位置可以问:

where’s my/the? itis in/on复数形式为:where are?

they are

purse, bear, lion, rabbit, tiger, doll and monkey.

及where’s my/the?it is in/on

step 4 homework


according to the picture of part d.(三个)(询问物品)


according to the picture of p26.(三个)(询问物品)

找物主)unit 6 part bc


寻人:where’s×××he/she is in/on

询问物品的位置:where’s my/the? it is in/on

复数形式:where are? they are



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