
发布 2024-03-07 06:20:12 阅读 6303

unit 4 buying fruit

period 2

content :

a. words of part b (grapes , bananas ,peaches and pineapples)

b. part d sentence pattern :

i'd like some ..please .

how many kilos ?

...kilo(s), please.

c. part g fun house . say a rhyme.

keystone and difficulty :

words and sentence pattern.

四会单词: grapes , bananas ,peaches , pineapples and some

四会句型: i'd like some ..please .

how many kilos ?

kilo(s), please.

aims :

the title of this unit is "buying fruit ".so after the students'

learning and the teacher's teaching of the first two classes , they should grasp the applied english of buying fruits and some other things.

teaching steps:

step 1: freetalk and revision.

a) h**e an easy communication with the students

b) check the students grasp of the words learned last class . both in

spelling and writing .

c) add the words to the sentence pattern :

what are these / those?

they're ..

focus on the two words : these , those distinguish from the words this/

that and they.

step 2: presentation

a) after the revision , set up a background for the students to learn the

new fruit. in an fruit shop, pictures of all the fruit we should learn.

pineapple first, pine - apple . according to the style of teacher's

mouth ,guess their pronunciation.

the reading of the words are not easy for the students , read in

different ways . group reading , one by one or other ways.

b) roleplay

open the book to page 33 , all the eight words should be used in

the dialogues .

ask students to do pair work according to the pictures.

c) sing a song

use the new words we learned just now , in stead of the fruit

in the song .

i love bananas , i love bananas ,i love bananas , i love bananas;

i love peaches , i ..

singing , another way to attract the students' interest of learning.

and open their mouth to say english word which are not so funny.

d) part d look and say.

1) we h**e learned the sentences :

i like ..and "i'd like ..

two or three kinds of fruit , let the student choose .

use " i like...or " i'd like ..

2) the teacher act as a shop assitant , the students come and say

what would they like , during the dialogue ,the teacher use "how

many ? one , two , or three?"

appears the sentence :"how many ?"the students can get the meaning


3)then use a balance to help teaching and the students understanding.

how many kilos? (kilo = kg)

kilos , please.

step 3 :practise

a) students open their books to page 34 .

practise by the four pictures in pairs , then do pair work for us.

the numbers in each picture show the students how many kilos

they would like.

b) performance.

give the students prop they need ,and they peform with the sentences

we learned this two classes .act as they are buying fruits in markets.

step 4: listening and reading .

a) read the words and sentences after the teacher together .

during the reading ,spell the words and remember the words in


b) give the students several minute to remember the words and sentences

c) say a rhyme .

apples , apples ,

red and sweet,i like to eat.

bananas ,

page 37 , the only requiment for this is can say . help the students

connect the reading and pronunciation to the words.

during the rhyme , we may use some other fruit and colour to instead.

use them neatly.

step 6: homework

a) copy and recite the words .

b) make groups of dialogues with the sentences , write down.

c) practise the rhyme and review the dialogues of part c and d.

教学思路:本课时为unit 4第二课时的教学流程。这节课主要是part b部分后四个水果单词和part d部分句型的教学以及part g部分的水果rhyme。

首先要在自由的气氛中与学生交流,运用上已学习的what are these?what are those? they're….


还是用上节课学习的水果歌来替换,运用水果单词。学完水果后要把重点放在part d的句型学习上,给学生三种水果,让学生操练i like…和i'd like…句型。紧接着从数水果数量到称水果重量,学习how many kilos?

让学生通过看part d部分的图来操练、巩固句型。最后让学生自己创编对话,表演对话,自如地运用这些句型和单词,掌握与人对话的技巧。学生的听说能力在整个教学流程中得到了锻炼、提高,part g部分的水果rhyme也是训练学生听力口语的好机会,学生在自己读,听老师读,听同学读的过程中不断地提高自己的能力,同时也在听读的过程中体验到学会英语的乐趣。


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