
发布 2024-03-07 06:20:12 阅读 5134

unit 4 buying fruitperiod 3

teaching content :part a

teaching aims and demands :

to learn the sentence patterns : what are these/those? they are ..

review the words of fruit .

review the sentences of "like","would like", to be able to learn "howmany kilos? "and the answers:three kilos.

to be able to learn the dialogue and act it out .teaching aims and demands :

学习what are these/those? they are ..进一步让学生学会用英语说出自己的喜好、尽力去引导学生说出自己的真实心理感受,学会在购物的情景中交际。

让学生去体会成功,树立自信。teaching method:任务型教学模式。

teaching aids :

flash, pictures, cardsteaching process :

step one:greetings and free morning , morning , teacher.

t:boys and girls,i like stories, i like blue cat, do you like blue cat?do you like nezha?

t:who do you like?(指名问)students answer!s:no, i don't.

a).t:me, too. what does mr zhu bajie like? ss: watermelons.

i know zhu ba jie likes watermelons. i like watermelons too, now i'd like some

watermelons, (事先将一些西瓜放在一名同学身边,此时同学把西瓜递上来,)s:here you are. t:thank you.

b)teacher takes out some presents ,and say : what would you like?

要求学生用i'd like ..句型来取东西,四名同学来参与,最后两名同学问他们why,要求学生回答i like...

t says: this award is over, t shows the multmeadia,(孙悟空吃peaches的**。)c).

t:do you like monkey king, mr shun wu kong ?(教师稍作停顿,待学生回答完后)

:what does monkey king like?(待学生齐声回答后peaches)教用手拍拍面前黑合子说:

what's this?学生回答:it's a box.

教师出示课件,(速度要快book , pen问句及答语)

t:what's this in the box?教师作不知状,打开盒子,举高问:what's this?学生回答:it's a box.


e).取出字母e,问:what's the letter? it's letter ee.要求学生读字母e,教师转身取下黑板上的单词,教师范读:these。

教师用手指示范读音。please look at my fingers, they are your teeth, this is yourtongue教师读单词两遍,出示汉语意思,并转身将卡片贴上黑板,同时要求学生边读边做动作:follow me.

d)指名读,面尽可能大,节奏要快,分组读,分男女生等多种形式读。e)指名读what are these?句型。提高操练的密度。

f)请同学打开盒子,t:what are these?s:

they are 教师近指着实物,进行操练,用指示棒来指黑板上的**:请同学上来做老师来训练“what are these?”

h)请同学们做老师,用指示棒来指黑板上**,让学生去读。教tho句型。a)教师用实物训练学生,突然用手指向远方的盒子,please look over there,what'sthat?

ss:it's a box.指名同学:

go and h**e a look, what are those?向学生展示汉语意思后,教师将纸条帖在黑板上,并取下单词those,**车读。将单词来回换成these ,those操练。

b)教师取出激光头,照射远方的物体并问“what are those?”要求学生自己做老师来照射远方的物体。

c)教师串用what are these/those?句型自由提问。

d)教师拿着袋子,数:bag 1 ,bag2 ,bag3,bag4每一组叫一个人上来,问:what would you like?

要求学生回答i'd like...要求该组成员回头后,其他成员询问what are these/those?(tthe others , please ask them :

what are these/those?please go back to your seats.)

e)展示。教师指名同学回答(指着近处和远处的袋子询问)step 4 :practicea)出示rhymeb)让学生自己读。

c)教师有节奏地诵读。show the rhymes:what are these?they are are those?they are 5

a)教师取出一些水果(apples , oranges ,)t: how many apples ?并将how manykilo贴在黑板上,师跟着去数。

b)t:how many kilos?

教师做动作,出示课件,要求学生先数1~4下面的要求指名完成,e)要求学生根据卡片来练习。互相询问,how many kilos?step 6

let's h**e a rest, please watch tv.

a)t:boys and girls, please watch a following the by themselves .

d)the student act the dialogue .step 7:shopping




教学思路:本课时为unit 4第三课时的教学流程。part a是本单元的重点对话,介于学生已学会水果单词和句型,所以着重点应是让学生懂得去运用,学会去运用,学会去交流。

在教学设计时,第一步解决的是i like和i'd like的句型使用。在具体的情境中,区分使用这两个句型,有真实的语言环境,问学生喜欢什么,想要什么,有虚拟的语言环境,问zhe bajie,monkey king这些同学们喜欢的人物喜欢什么,想要什么,其中的动画、声音给学生带来轻松、开心学习的气氛。接着把学生的注意力继续转移到实物中来,拿出一个盒子,让学生猜盒子里有什么?


有节奏的儿歌进一步巩固了句型和单词,也更加活跃学生的思维与参与度。接着通过数水果到称水果运用how many和how many kilos?的句型。

通过看part a的教学片断,自读自悟,给片断配音,表演对话等各种方式来表达对对话的理解。这样就可以自由地运用对话进行创编了,教师先和一名学习示范表演买卖水果,再让学生自己去表演对这些句型、对话的理解,这样也就达到灵活运用对话的目的了。


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