
发布 2024-02-28 21:00:05 阅读 7883

教学目标:1.能听懂会说look,this is和look,that’s及其应答it’s nice会用。

how nice.表达赞美、感叹之意。

2.能听懂、会说服装类单词a jacket,a sweater,a dress,a skirt和物主代词his,her.

教学重点:1.单词:a jacket,a sweater,a dress,a skirt

2.日常交际语:look,this is/that’s his/her


录音机、磁带、卡片、布偶、食物(a sweater,a jacket,a dress ,skirt)教学过程:step1:free talk

1.以good morning/afternoon,boys and girls,how are you和学生打招呼,学生依照情形回答,good morning/afternoon,miss,i’m fine,thank you/not bad/no sogood.

2.拿出布偶,把布偶介绍给学生认识,说this is meimei.

3.假装布偶向同学打招呼说:nice to meet you.

学生回答nice to meet you , your friend to meimei教师请同学介绍。step2:presentation.

at me.(教师手指自己的毛衣说)look,this is my sweater”学生跟读单词数遍。→read one by one.把a sweater的**贴在黑板上。

教师领读look数遍并解释it means“看、瞧”.

2.教师拿出自己衣物介绍look,this is my jacket.(同理教授skirt,dress.)注意:skirt,dress的发音。


.magic eyes(看老师的口型,猜单词).③what’s missing?

4.介绍句型look,this is

a.指着自己的夹克衫,说look,this is my jacket.学生跟读句子。请学生拿出带来的衣服和所穿的衣服用look,this is my介绍自己的衣服。


起来,并指着物主说,look,this is his/her用此方法示范句型。

c.邀请几位学生轮流到教师课桌前,请他们拿起桌上任何一件衣服,说look,this is



5.教授应答it’s nice. how nice.

t:who can introduce your clothes?put up your is my nice.

teach:it’s nice.学生跟读数遍。(揭题)写课题whocan introduce yourfriend’sclothes?

s2:look,this is her/his sweater.

t:how nice. teach:

how nice.学生跟读数遍。6.

学生用这个句型进行操练。a:look,this is my/his/herb:

oh,it’s nice./how nice.

step3:learn to say.





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