
发布 2023-11-15 18:00:03 阅读 1920

教学目标:1.能听、说、读数字单词: 13-20

2.能听懂、会说句型:what’s …plus …?及其回答 it’s … 及其评价 that’s right./ sorry, you’re wrong.



教学过程:step1: warming up

1. greeting

2. play a game: say the next number

say the number before

3. free talk

t: what’s the time now?

s: it’s eleven o’clock.

t: time to h**e lunch. look! what’s this?

s: it’s an egg.

step2: presentation

1. 出示两堆鸡蛋,一堆2个,一堆3个。

t: how many eggs can you see?

s: i can see two . i can see three.

师把两堆鸡蛋放在一起,同时说:two plus three

教授 plus , two plus three

t: what’s two plus three?

s: it’s five.(引导学生答)

practise in pairs

act it out

2. 出示算式卡片。

t: what’s … plus …?

s: it’s …

t: that’s right.

教授that’s right.(边读边做翘拇指的动作)

当学生答错时,同法学习sorry, you’re wrong.


3.由最后一个加法算式8+5引出:it’s thirteen.



4.how to say “15”?

教授15-20,教师要重点强调15和20 的发音。

4. 看着板书13-20 的单词,让学生小结这些单词的拼写规律和发音规律,教师再加以总结。

step3: consolidation

1. play a game:

quick respond: t: three, three s: thirteen

four, fourfourteen

2. read after the tape recorder

read by yourself

read together

3. 拓展:加除了用plus 表示外,还可以用 and 表示。

示范:3+2 what’s three and two?


step4: homework

1. 抄写单词 13-20

2. 熟读a部分的图及数字单词。

板书设计unit 5 plus and minus

a: what’s … plus …?

b: it’s …

a: that’s right./ sorry, you’re wrong. it’s …


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