牛津小学英语三年级3B unit3单元检测

发布 2022-11-26 05:46:28 阅读 3872

二、听音,选出录音所读的单词、字母或数字,在( )内打“√”8分)

1. monkey( )2. eleven( )3. twenty( )4. jeep (

mouse ( seven ( twelve( )jump (

5. 17( )6. coke( )7. n j( )8. hak( )

27( )coffee( )n g( )hka( )


ball balloon

man3. green greatblack bird


1. how many pencilscan you see?

2. how many catsdo you h**e?

3. look at mymy mother.

4. she is new crayons.

writing part (50分)


ee nn四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分)

( )1. how many crayons do you h**ea. nice to meet you.

)2. who's that girlb. ok!

)3. how many birds can you seec. i can see eleven.

)4. this is my new friend, amyd. i h**e ten.

)5. let's fly the kitee. she's my sister.


1. three + nine =

2. +ten= sixteen

3. twenty -=eighteen

4. four + thirteen =

二、 找出每组单词中与其他两个不同类的一个。(12%)

( )1. a. that b. this c. english

( )2. a. boy b. aunt c. father

( )3. a. radio b. ruler c. pencil

( )4. a. he b. she c. aunt

( )5. a. nice b. are c. is


i ii( )1. can i h**e a look? a .yes, it is.

( )2. may i come in? b. sure, here you are.

( )3. what’s that in english? c. it’s a pencil box.

( )4. is this your father? d. she’s my grandmother.

( )5. this is a nice watch, i think. e. come in, please.

) 6. who’s she? f. yes, he is.

三、 根据情景, 选择合适的表达。(10%)

( )1. 当你上课迟到了,进教室时应该说:

a. may i come in? b. thank you. c. can i h**e a look?

( )2. 你想知道远处桌上的东西用英语怎么说,你应该问:

a. what’s this on the desk?

b. what’s that on the desk?

c. what’s this in english?

( )3. 你想有礼貌地请教别人,你应该先说一句:

a. excuse me. b. thank you. c. how nice!

( )4. 你想知道那个女人是谁,你说:

a. who’s that women?

b. who’s the girl?

c. can i h**e a look?

( )5. 你想问朋友那个女孩是不是他的姐姐时,你应该说:

a. is she your brother?

b. is she your friend?

c. is she your sister?

四、 将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。(10%)

1. what’s that on the desk?

2. good morning, nancy.

3. oh, i see. how nice!

4. nice to meet you, too.

5. it’s a radio.

6. good morning, nice to meet you, mike.

3b unit1~unit3质量调研卷。

1. 你请别人过来,你说:come in,pelese.

2. 你有事打扰别人,你说:i’m sorry.

3. 当你不知道那是否是一个录音机时,可以问:is this a radio?

4. 你问别人这用英语怎么说,应该问:what’s that in english?

5. 你向你的好朋友介绍你父亲时可以说:this is my father.


unit 3how many?

listening content:

一、 听音,写出你所听到的大写或小写字母。

1. small letter g.2. big letter l.3. big letter h.4. small letter j.

二、听音,选出录音所读的单词、字母或数字,在其( )内打“√”

1. look, i h**e a monkey. 2. i h**e eleven crayons.

3. -how many balloons?-twelve.4. j j j, jump, jump, jump.

5. -how many kites can you see? -i can see 17.6. i like coke.

7. show me the letter ng. 8. show me the letter hak.


1. a. ballb. balloonc. doll2. a. manb. momc. dad

3. a. blackb. birdc. greatd. green


1. how many pencils do you h**e?

2. how many cats can you see?

3. look at my new crayons.

4. she is my mother.


一 教学目标。1 能用this is 句型介绍家庭成员。2 能听懂 会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father,mother,brother,sister.3 认识三个人物mr black,mrs black,gao shan,并能正确理解和运用mrs.4 能听懂 会说以下八个水果类单词an appl...


一 教学目标。1 能用this is 句型介绍家庭成员。2 能听懂 会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father,mother,brother,sister.3 认识三个人物mr black,mrs black,gao shan,并能正确理解和运用mrs.4 能听懂 会说以下八个水果类单词an appl...


一 教学目标。1 能用this is 句型介绍家庭成员。2 能听懂 会说几种家庭成员间的称呼语 father,mother,brother,sister.3 认识三个人物mr black,mrs black,gao shan,并能正确理解和运用mrs.4 能听懂 会说以下八个水果类单词an appl...