3A第四单元第一课时 杨萍

发布 2023-11-17 00:00:04 阅读 8837

unit 4 goodbye




1 b部分单词 desk chair bookcase fridge

2 句型 get up all right go to school now ok goodbye


1 b部分单词 desk chair bookcase fridge

2 句型 get up all right go to school now ok goodbye


教学过程:step 1 warm-up :

two songs :“hello !hi,nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。

hello!hi!good morning /afternoon /nice to meet you.

talk :

t: hi /hello ,i’ m miss yan ,what ‘s your name?

s: hi/hello,miss yan,i’m ××

t: good morning/good afternoon ,×this is ××

s1: nice to meet you ,×

s2: nice to meet you ,too .

s1:good morning /good afternoon ,×this is ××

s2: nice to meet you ,×s3:nice to meet you , too .

s1:hi, i’m nancy,this is my father /mother /brother/sister .

s2: nice to meet you …

s3: nict to meet you ,too .

step 2 .presentation and practice .

1.learn to say :“get up ,×all right ”


t: oh, it’s six . the sun rises .

“get up ,li li ”

s1:“all right .”say “all right ” do “get up ”)

read after the t.

get up ”“all right ” 利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。

“get up ,get up ” all right,all right ”

practice :

t—s, s—s , group work .

work in pairs .


2. chant, 叮叮当,闹钟响,get up ,get up,快起来。好吧,all right或ok.

3. learn :“go to bed now ,×ok ,good night,× 2.

learn to say :“go to school now ,×ok ,×goodbye ”

t: lili,look at the clock ,it’s seven ,put up your schoolbag ,go to school now ,lili.(帮助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了)

s1:ok,miss yan ,goodbye.

read after the t.

go to school ,now ”“ok ”

.(**车练习:s1:go to school, ×s2: ok,go to school,××s3:ok此时**合适的**,渲染气氛。


5. boys and girls,i’m tired ,let’s h**e a rest .

play a game :listen and do .

one student say “get up ”,the others act it )

:“go home,now ,×all right,see you ,×

a. t: lili ,it’s five o’clock,school is over ,go home,now,lili.

s1:all right ,see you ,miss yan .(边说边背书包走出教室,准备回家)

b. read after the t

go home .”see you ”

c. practice要(练习时,把see you 和goodbye 交换使用。)

d. check.

play a game :guess:

teacher act “get up。 what am i doing ?”student guess .)


t :“lili,it’s nine,the moon rises ,go to bed ,now ,lili.”

s1:“ok, good night.”(边说边打着哈欠)

read after the t.

bed ” good night”

and check.(小组内先自由练说,再进行组组之间的评比。)

step3. consolidation.

to the tape and repeat .(first only listen ,the second time repeat ).

the part a.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)

1 .回家向家长介绍今天所学的单词。


3. listen to the tape and repeat about part a three times .

sing“goodbye !”


unit 4 goodbye

图1 get up ,×all right

图2 go to school now ,×ok,××goodbye.

图3 go home now ,×all right,see you,××

图4 go to bed now ,×ok ,good night ,×

3A第四单元第一课时 杨萍

unit 4 goodbye 教学内容 牛津小学英语3a第4单元第1课时。教学目标 1 b部分单词 desk chair bookcase fridge 2 句型 get up all right go to school now ok goodbye 教学重难点 1 b部分单词 desk chai...


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