
发布 2023-11-27 05:45:05 阅读 3086


unit 3 look at me第二课时。

a let’s learn.


1. let’s learn


head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth.2.

let’s do


eye, face两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。mouth一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。

教学准备:1、cards of head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth.2、headgears of john, chen jie, mike and zoom.

教学过程:1、warm-up/ revisiona. sing a song“how are you ?”

b. perform the dialogue of part a.2、greetings :

(choose some students to answer your questions)t: good morning .s:

good how are you?s: i’m fine, thank you!

t: let’s go to school!

s: ok!t:

sit down, please .s: thank you!

3、presentationshow a picture about boy ,his name is

t:(wearing the headgear of tutu) good morning!/ hello!

/hi! i’mtutu. look at me.

what’s this?

b.s: this is my

the same way to teach face, ear, eye, nose and mouth.(利用一些chant来练习说单词。for example:

head ,head, this is my head.注意每一个单词的发音,特别是th的发音,要特别的强调。


eye, face两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。mouth一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型。

d. (point to my own head) my head, (point to the student's head) "my,your".f.

to learn to“touch”. touch my head. touch your listen to the recording and repeat.


3、practicea. read the cards.把单词卡片贴在黑板上,请两组分别派一名代表,到讲台前面来拍单词,下面的学生齐声朗读,看谁的反应更快)

b. listen to the tapec.老师做师范动作,让学生们work with your partner,show let’s do !

教师可将本课时let’s do部分的内容传给每组的第一个学生,由第一个学生往后传,以次类推,当传到最后一名学生时,由他/她将正确的动作做出,正确率高、速度快的为胜。


5、add-activitiesa. listen to the recording and tell the parents the names of the body.


pep三年级上册unit3 look at me 教学设计。单位 卫辉市上乐村镇东板桥完全小学。姓名 吴瑞芳。pep三年级上册unit 3 look at me let s learnlet s do 第二课时教学设计 河南省卫辉市上乐村镇东板桥完全小学。吴瑞芳。一 教学目标。一 知识与能力。1.能...


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pep小学英语五年级上册unit3第二课时教学设计。设计教师执教教师教学年级课型授课时间。蔡世娣蔡世娣五年级讲读课40分钟。课题名称 unit 3my f orite foodthe 2ndlesson part alet stry let stalk talk and matchpart ctas...