
发布 2023-11-11 11:05:07 阅读 7160

unit 2 where is the science museum?

第一课时。a let’s learn let’s play

教材分析】教学重点:熟练掌握四会单词和短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,并能在实际生活中运用。


学情分析】通过第一单元的学习,学生掌握情况不错,对于第二单元新知识的学习难度不是很大。本课重点掌握四会单词和短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore 三会science museum。

能够听、说、认读句型:“where is the library? it's near the post office.”并进行关键词的替换操练。


能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore.


1. 能够听、说、认读短语science museum.

2. 能够听、说、认读句型:“where is the library? it's near the post office.”并进行关键词的替换操练。

3. 能够理解并会吟唱let's chant的歌谣。

4. 能够听懂并基本会唱歌曲“where are you going?”



四、拓展目标:拓展单词shoe store, supermarker, next to句子: go straight ahead along等。

教学准备】1. 多**课件。

2. 教师准备本课时的单词卡片等。

教学过程】一、warming up/revision(热身/复习)

1. 教师**三年级下册歌曲“they are in the zoo” .师生齐唱。


3. free talk:(利用学具等进行操练book, pencil,eraser,ruler,pen.

介词:near/ on/ under/ over in front of /behind /in )

t:where is the pencil?

s1:it's near the ..

t :where is the...

s1:it's on the ..

t:where is the ..


设计意图】营造活跃轻松的课前气氛,使学生带着积极的心态投入到学习中去,free talk 帮助学生养成用英语对话的习惯,也为下面的学习做铺垫。


let's learn

1. teach: library

t: today is sunny and cool. i am going to read some books.

where shall i go? oh, yes. i shall go to the library.


t: is there a library? where is the library?

s: it's near our school.

chant: go to the library, read a book.

2. teach: bookstore

t: i read an interesting book is <>so i want to buy this book for my friend. shall i go to the library?

where shall i go ? oh, i shall go to the bookstore.”教学bookstore。


2)chant: go to the bookstore, buy a book.

3)拓展单词:mall,supermarket 和shoe store.

(a:教师可以告诉学生:“we can buy books in a supermarket/mall.because there are some small bookstores in the supermarket or mall.”(出示supermarket 和mall**)。

这里只要让学生感知mall或supermarket即可,目的是为学习本单元的let's sing做铺垫。)

(b:师:if i want to buy a pair of shoes. where shall i go?引出单词shoe store.)

post office(师拿着书)

(1)t:now i want to post the book for my friend. where shall i go?

s: post office

t: yes! post office.

(2)t: excuse me. where is the post office?

s: it's behind the bookstore.

(3)chant: go to the post office, post a book.


(1)t:the way is to my home. but i want to see a film <>where shall i go?

yes,i shall go to the cinema.引出单词cinema.

(2) t: excuse me. is there a ..near here? s: yes, there is.

t: where is the cinema?

s: it's in front of the post office.

t: how can i get to the...

s: you can go by the no.6 bus . if you like, you can go on foot.

(3)chant: go to the cinema, see a film.


(1)t: the film is over. that's interesting.

when i am going to my home. i see a building (出示science museum**). let's h**e a look.

what place ? is it a cinema? is it a post office?

is it a bookstore?学生回答后出示单词science museum,提醒学生注意museum的发音。

(2)chant: go to the science museum, h**e a look.

(3)适当拓展,如出示天安门广场两侧的历史博物馆(history museum)、军事博物馆(military museum)等**。(t: look place?

they are military museum and history museum)


1)t:today is funny. but i'm very tired.

i'm not feeling well.i h**e a fever and h**e a headache. i must see a doctor. where shall i go?


2)t: excuse me. is there a ..near here?

s: yes,there is.

t: where is the hospital?

s: it's near the science museum.

t: is it far form here? can i go by bus/taxi/on foot?”

3)chant: go to the hospital, see a doctor.

7. let's chant.(幻灯出示)(t: are you tired? ok. let's chant together.)


a: excuse me. is there a ..near here?

b: yes,there is.

a: where is the ..

b: it's...

a: how can i get to the...

b: you can go by the no.6 bus . if you like, you can go on foot.

a: thank you.

b: you're welcome.



10. free talk:

a:where are you going? (cinema, library, or bookstore)

b: i am going to buy some books. i am going to the bookstore. where’s the



by深红浅红发表于2013 11 14 20 00 00 推。荐。第一课时这样教。第一课时教什么?我想,首先要确立目标选择教学内容,第二,要关注学情落实教学内容。四年级上册 奇妙的国际互联网 一课的第一课时,根据我确立了四个教学目标 1.正确 流利地朗读课文。2.学会8个生字,理解 近在咫尺 息息相...


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