
发布 2021-03-09 08:16:28 阅读 5074

八年级下册 unit5 if you go to the party,you will h**e a great time!(sectiona1a-2c) 导学案。






学习过程:stepⅰ、look at these sentences !

if you want to turn on the light, press the red butten.

if you are careful enough, you won’t make any mistakes

if she is free tomorrow, she will go camping with us.

if mary studies harder, she’ll get better grades.

if it doesn’t rain this sunday, we can play outside.

if she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.


stepⅱ "if条件状语从句"的心里话(1)


please call me if he is at home !



if you ask him,he will help you 。(he will help you if you ask him.)


1、if i play well, i’ll play the solo.

2、if the teacher chooses kylie, she’ll play the dance music.

3、if she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.

stepⅲ "if条件状语从句"的心里话(2)


如:if you want to turn on the light, press the red butten.

if it doesn’t rain this sunday, we can play outside.


if it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picnic.

if i don't eat so much, i will get thinner.

i’ll ask the teacher for help if i don’t understand.

if you copy my homework this time, you will start a bad habit.

if he doesn’t do it, i will do it.


1、if you don’t (be) late for school, my teacher (be) angry.

2、if she (win) the prize, we (be) happy for her.

3、if you (tell) the truth, it (prove) you are honest.

stepⅳ "if条件状语从句"的心里话(3)



1、work harder,and you’ll pass the exam.

=if you work harder, you’ll pass the exam.

2、eat some breakfast, or you'll get hungry at shcool.

=if you don't eat some breakfast, you'll get hungry at shcool.

3、hurry up, or you will be late again.

=if you don’t hurry up, you will be late again.


rewrite the sentences with if

1、work hard, and you will get the prize.

2、hurry up! or we'll be late.

3、read the instructions carefully. and you'll know what to do.

stepⅴ look and say(1a p34)

stepⅵ 团结就是力量呦 remember to work with your partner(1c)

stepvii read the phrases and questions in 2a-2c,find out the difficulties,and then you can ask others for help!remember?不耻下问也是文明人的美德呀!

stepviii homework(good luck to you)

( will go/go/goes) to europe if she (will pass/pass/passes) the exams .

2. the graduates (will teach/teach/teaches) in the poor village if the ministry of education (will agree/ agree/agrees) soon.

3. if there (will be/ are/is) a car accident, they (will call/call/calls) 110 for help at once.

4. if it (won’t/don’t/doesn’t/ isn’t) rainy, we (will take/ take/takes) walk outside.

5. if a ufo (will land/land/lands) in front of me, i (will go/go/goes) in to look for the alien.

6. if he (will h**e/h**e/has) money, he (will bulid/build/builds) a science lab.

wait for me if i (am/ will be) late.

(won’t/don’t) go to the beach if it (will rain/rain /rains).

9. i (will call/ call) you if he (will stay/stay /stays) at home.

10. mr smith (will let/ let/lets) you know if he (will need/ need/ needs) help.

11. (will / do/ does) he visit the museum if he (won’t / don’t/ doesn’t) get tired?

12. where (will/ do/does) they live if they (will miss/ miss/ misses) the bus?


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...


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