
发布 2021-03-09 07:55:28 阅读 5737

if you think you can, then you can . come on!


mudule5 unit2

vienna is the centre of european classical music.

1. 知识目标:掌握下列单词 centre, drum, guitar, organ, trumpet,

violin, elder, waltz, younger, die.

2. 能力目标:理解课文,解决阅读题,并找出短语。

3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱**,热爱生活。

重难点:阅读技巧 ,短语。

一。 write down the new words.

二。 一层读:read the passage and check(√)the true sentences.


1. many composers and musicians came to study and work in vienna.

2. strauss the younger played the piano, the violin and the organ at the age of six.

3. mozart wrote his first opera at the age of 14.

4. the family took mozart around europe.

5. the father johann strauss died in 1791.

6. mozart wrote the blue danube.

三。 二层读回答问题。


read para.1 (第1段) and answer the questions.

1. where is vienna?

2. which family was the most famous family of musicians in vienna?

read paras2,3(第2.3段)and answer.

3. what sort(种类) of music did johann strauss the elder write?

4. what was johann strauss the younger’s most famous piece of music?

read para.4(第4段) and answer.

5. when was mozart born?

6. what did mozart write in addition to (除了) opera?

7. how old was mozart when he died?

8. who do some people say was the greatest european composer?

四。 理解意思。

五。 重难点突破。

1. a lot of许多 ; 大量的



i h**e a lot of / lots of books. =

i h**e __books. (我有许多书。)


i h**e a lot of / lots of homework .

i h**e___homework.(我有许多作业)



he is the most famous singer in the city.

3. more than超过,多于。

there areboys(二十多个) in our class.

4. not only……but also 不但……而且……


: 他不但是我的老师,而且是我的朋友。

he ismy teachermy friend.

i can speak not only chinese, but also english.

5. at the age of ……在……年龄(岁)时。


he began to learn how to search the internet.

六。 根据课文填空。

vienna is a beautiful old city on the river danube. it’s the __city of austria and the __of european classical music.

there were twocalled johann strauss: a __and a __the father wrote and played music for a classical dance — a __his waltzes made him famous all over __

johann strauss the younger, was even moreandthan his father. he wrote400 waltzes and his most __one was the blue danube. he wrote it in 1867.

strauss and mozart were two of the mostcomposers.

七。 你能快速找出下列短语吗?








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