
发布 2021-03-09 07:57:28 阅读 4379


一、 单词及词组:

1. set sail 启航。

2. be forced to do sth被迫使做…

3. get into trouble陷入困境。

4. return to 返回。

5. be known as作为…而著名。

6. make a living 谋生。

7. apologise to sb for sth因为…向…..道歉。

eg:i apologise to her for my carelessness.

8. break the law 违反法律。

9. ban禁止。

eg:taking drugs is banned everywhere in the world.

10. be responsible for对…..负责任。

11. the solution to…解决… 的方法。

eg:h**e you found the solution to the problem?

12. deal with ….handle处理。

eg:how did you handle/ deal with the quarrel between them?

13. every two hours=every second hour每两小时。

14. attract sb/sth 吸引…

attract one’s attention吸引….的注意。

eg:he did this to attract others’ attention.

15. watch out当心。

16. special discount**。

at a discount 折扣。

eg:yesterday, i bought a dress at a discount.

at a discount of…以…..的折扣。

eg:all the goods will be sold at a discount of 30%.

17. on the one hand ……on the other hand…….一方面…..另一方面。

18. play a trick on/upon sb捉弄….

eg:don't play tricks on others. it’s impolite.

19. stop….from doing 阻止….做…..

eg: he stopped the children from playing near the river.

20. all at once突然。

eg: all at once, i remembered that i hadn’t locked the door.

21. in the direction of ……朝着….的方向。

eg:after lunch, they kept on going in the direction of their village.

22. on the edge of….在….的边缘。

eg:don’t put the glass on the edge of the might fall off.

23. at great speed以高速。

at a speed of…..以….的速度。

eg:the car tr**els at a speed of 90km/h.

24. bring sth to a conclusion 结束…..

eg:his arrival brought the quarrel to a conclusion.

25. pick up①捡起、拾起eg:pick up the pieces of ***** on the floor.

偶然学到 eg:kathy picked up a lot of spanish by playing with native boys and girls.

顺路搭载 eg:can you come and pick me up to park?

挽救 in the end, a boat picked me up.

26. the tourist attraction旅游胜地。

27. a skating rink溜冰场。

28. disagree with sb不同意….的观点。

29. not only…..but also…不但…..而且….

eg:it not only has fantastic stadium for olympic games ,but also has many gardens.

for… 支持… be against…….反对….

eg:i’m for the plan. i’m totally against the plan.

would be much better if ….要是…..就更好了。

eg:it would be much better if we could change the plan.

turns to do sth轮流做….

sth to sth 把….绑到….上 eg:i tied myself to a barrel.

down下沉 eg:the he**ier objects went down more quickly than the amaller,lighter ones.

①及物动词测量,计量 eg:most people think that happiness can not be measured in terms of meney.

②不及物动词有…..长(高、宽)the man over there measures 1.80 metres.

sb (not) to do sth劝说….做(不做)….

eg:alice trusts you ,only you can persuade her to give up the foolish idea.

search of…寻找….

eg:during the 1850s,thousands of people hurried to california in search of gold.


eg:she spent a few minutes trying to recover herself before giving her speech.

the area soon recovered from the effects of the earthquake.

sb of sth提醒….

eg:the old picture reminded me of my childhood.


eg:according to the old stories of iceland and norway. eric was forced to le**e iceland.

二、 句型。

1. the first/last ….to do sth第一个/最后一个做…..的人。

eg:he was the last one to enter the meeting room.

2. sb be believed to do sth 人们认为…

eg:the four men were believed to h**e been killed in the war.

3. what 引导的介词宾语从句。

eg:leif followed biarnia’s directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day canada.

a new school has been built in what used to be a school.

4. 独立主格的构成:名词/主格代词+doing/done/to do/adj(形容词)/adv(副词)/prep(介词)

eg:①weather permitting, we will go swimming.

②so many people absent, the meeting had to be cancelled.

③the boy goes to the classroom,book in hand.

④they said goodbye to each other,one to go home,the other to go to the bookstore.

5. 当when =just at that moment(在那个时候)时,有以下几个句型:

1 sb be doing sth when…..意思为“正在这时,突然…..

2 be+adj/表状态的介词短语+when…..

3 be about to do sth when….

4 had just done sth when….

eg:①i was thinking about this when i heard my name called.

②he was about halfway through his meal when a familiar voice came to his ears.

③i was about to go out when the ring rang.

④i had just locked the door when i heard the telephone ring.

6. as you can see,i did escape.当as 做“正如,正像”的意思时,常用于下面的表达:

as be said/known/expected/reported….正如人们所说/知道/期望/报道。


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...


使用中的一些想法。它代表着新的教育模式的来临。现将这半年中,对 导学案 的初步认识和使用过程中的一些看法表达出来。一,什么是导学案。导学案是老师设计一种辅助和引导学生预习和课堂自主学习的方案,使学生通过借助导学案,在老师的指导下逐步达到自主学习和主动学习的目的。从预习抓起,为课堂教学的有效性奠定基础...


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