
发布 2021-03-09 07:54:28 阅读 1429

初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 5 feeling happy - 1 -

topic 1 why all the smiling faces?

section a

任务一:i 1 听录音补全下面的答句。

1. how does kangkang look?

he looks

2. why does kangkang look excited?

because his parents want tojanes parentsto the movies.

3. is jane fond of the movie the sound of music?

yes, it isher f**orite movies.

4. what are jane and kangkang going to do on saturday evening?

they willthe evening at kangkangs

5. what will kangkangs mom do?

she willsome delicious foodthem.

ii. 读课文,翻译短语并完成解析。

1. “how are you doing?” 的意思是这是一个问候语,与之类似的还有how are you?

/ how is it going? /how are you getting along?,回答此类问候,常用:

fine/ very well, +thank you/thanks.

2. “invite your parents to go to the movies”意思是我们可以总结“邀请某人做某事”,句型为例:sally 昨天邀请我参加她的生日聚会。

3. “spend the evening at my house.” 意思是spend 当花费讲,句型为或。

4. “prepare some delicious food for us” 意思是我们可以总结“为…准备…”,句型为为…做准备”是和我们之前学过的句型意思相同。例:


5. “say thanks to your mom.” 意思是我们可以总结“向某人道谢”句型为扩展一下:向某人道歉、道别、打招呼分别为sayto sb.

6. “you look excited.” 意思是句中的excited 是形容词/副词)修饰句中的you/ look)。

这一句也可以改写成 “you are excited.” 意思与原句基本相同。那么我们发现原句中的look 和be动词起到的作用一样,都是用来说明主语的。

are excited 这种用来说明主语的结构,叫做“系表结构”,那么同样look excited 也是系表结构,其中look 做句中的___语。与之类似的表达如:

the music sounds wonderful.

the sweater feels soft.

kangkang looks tired..

the food tastes delicious.

the milk smalls sour.



仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 5 feeling happy - 2 - 通过观察我们发现,以上例句中的动词都与人的感官有关,我们把这些动词叫做感官动词。我们可以得出结论:感官动词在句中可以做语,后面常加形容词/副词)做表语。

表达看起来、听起来、摸起来、闻起来、尝起来……的意思。 例:①你的注意听起来很棒。



alice 看起来很伤心,因为她的宠物狗死了这些花闻起来很香。

iii 2,根据**,选择正确的形容词,用系表结构描述**。

任务二:i 3. 听录音,补全下面的句子。

1. micheal and his friendsvery happy this morning.

2. their parents are going to theand they are going tothe evening at kangkangs

3. their parents arebecause there wasleft when mr. lee went to buy a ticket.

mr. leedisappointed.

ii. 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “why all the smiling faces?” 意思是这是一个省略句,全局应为:

why do all of you h**e the smiling faces? ,也可以改写为同义句: why __everyone

2. “but there was none left.” 意思是。

none 的意思是与all

咖啡、水、果汁,你最喜欢哪一个? which do you like best, coffee, water or juice?


none 还常与介词of 连用,表示…中没有一个。例:none of us is afraid of difficulties. 我们班学生中没有一个会唱英语歌。

句中left 意思是常用语名词或不定代词的后面。例:theres no ticket left. 他还剩有大把的钱。




仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案 unit 5 feeling happy - 3 - section b

任务一:i 1 听录音补全下面的答句。

1. how does mr. lee look?

he looks a little

2. why is mr. lee unhappy?

hedisappointed because he couldnt get a ticketthe sound of music.

3. what does jane think of the movie?

she thinks its very

4. what does maria think of the opera cats?

she thinks its soand interesting.

5. what does kangkang think of the opera?

he thinks its

6. what does kangkang think the movie, love me once more?

he thinks its so

ii. 读对话,完成下面的解析。

1. “he seems a little unhappy.” 意思是这一句中的seem意思是通过观察我们发现seem 在句中也是用来做___语,后面加词做___语。

例:你爸爸似乎生气了。 除了可以加形容词以外,还可以加动词不定式构成:

seem to do sth. 的句型,意思是似乎除了之前我们所讲的感官动词可以用来做系语以外,还有一些其他的词也可以用来做系语如:

seem (似乎)

get (变…,常指温度等缓慢、逐渐的变化) the weather gets warmer in spring.

go (变…,指进入某种状态) fish soon goes bad in hot weather.

become(变…,指从一种状态变为另一种状态)my father became angry when i lied to him. ⑤turn(变…,常指颜色的变化)le**es turn green in spring.


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...


使用中的一些想法。它代表着新的教育模式的来临。现将这半年中,对 导学案 的初步认识和使用过程中的一些看法表达出来。一,什么是导学案。导学案是老师设计一种辅助和引导学生预习和课堂自主学习的方案,使学生通过借助导学案,在老师的指导下逐步达到自主学习和主动学习的目的。从预习抓起,为课堂教学的有效性奠定基础...


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