
发布 2021-03-09 08:05:28 阅读 3375


预习提纲。1. 上网搜索有关健康饮食的知识和**;

2. 朗读并背诵有关健康饮食的谚语;

3. 重点掌握单词:fit, rare, rarely, health, healthy, unhealthy, wealthy anxious, injure, injury, pain, painful, normal, happen

4. 注意区别:because of & because

5. 预习p1-p3 解决浅层次生词及短语障碍,并完成下面的短语互译:





3. 因为我病了,所以不能去上学。

i can't go to school today, because i am ill.

i can't go to school today, because of my illness.

归纳总结):because of 是___词性,后跟介词短语) ;because 是___词性,后跟___

实践运用改错):(1)he will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money.

2)her boss fired herher carelessness

1.至少2. 使人健康3.锻炼身体。

4.得重感冒5. 热衷于,对…痴迷。

period 1: introduction&reading阅读导学案。


2. 增强营养饮食及保护自身健康的意识。

3. 进一步培养学生概括段落大意及主旨大意的能力。

语言技能目标:1.需掌握短语diet;be crazy about;make sure;see sb. doing/do /done sth; that’s because/why)

2.句型:go to bed now, (or) you will be really tired tomorrow

zhou kai went and did) as he was told.

教法与学法:1.do a survey/proverbs/pair works to warming up;

2. pictures to arouse students interest in reading this text.

教学过程:stepⅰ. greetings

stepⅱ: lead in

1. warming up by questions:

show the following questions to the students, and ask them to discuss for the answers.

q: do you often get ill? and why does that often happen?

2. warming up by doing a survey:

make a survey of the students. (do exercise 2 on page1)

up by proverbs(小组活动--竞赛:将所查谚语展现在黑板上,让学生们猜汉语谚语)

1) the first wealth is health .人生最大的财富是健康。

2) 健康胜于财富。 health is over wealth.

3) 饭后百步走,延年又益寿。 after dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile.

4) 冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。carrots in winter and gingers in summer keep the doctor away.

5) health is not valued till sickness comes. 病时方知健康可贵。

6) an apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,疾病远离我。

7、eat to live, but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

8、radish and ginger keep away from doctor.冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不劳医生开药方。

9、some soup before dinner, healthy body forever.饭前喝口汤,永远没灾殃。

work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。

step ⅲ reading

1.skimming :to get a brief understanding of the text.(设计意图:学生理解概括篇章大意的能力较差。


1. the passage zhou kai (1) mainly tells us that __

a. zhou kai wants to play football in the rain.

b. zhou kai is fit enough to play football in all weathers.

c. zhou kai’s mother cares about him very much.

d. zhou kai dislikes his mother very much.

2. number the main idea of each paragraph in zhou kai (2).

) my mother’s good diet satisfies my love for football.

) i take exercise, so i am healthy.

) my family eat healthily to keep fit.


to finish exercise on p3

step 3&step 4. to get ss to h**e some details in the text


discussion: what shall we do to keep healthy?

period 2 language points

because…/ that’s why…(下面的句子哪一句是原因,哪一句是结果)

he was fined by the boss because he made a big mistake in his work.

改写:that’s because

that’s why

改错:he was late for class because of he was stuck in the traffic jam.

1. (教材原句) (said zhou kai), as he opened the door.

2. (研究发现)①句中的as 用作___词性,意为引导的从句。

3. he was wandering through the street, looking around as he walked.

4. i read the letter as i walked along the river.

5. ②zhou kai went and did) as he was told. 句中的as 用作___词性,意为引导从句。

6. when in rome do as the romans do.

7. jane did his work as work ought to be done

8. i h**e changed it as you suggested

众所周知),the moon tr**els round the earth once every month.

as a student, i am supposed to concentrate on my study.意为:__


as you were out,i left a message on your desk.


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...


使用中的一些想法。它代表着新的教育模式的来临。现将这半年中,对 导学案 的初步认识和使用过程中的一些看法表达出来。一,什么是导学案。导学案是老师设计一种辅助和引导学生预习和课堂自主学习的方案,使学生通过借助导学案,在老师的指导下逐步达到自主学习和主动学习的目的。从预习抓起,为课堂教学的有效性奠定基础...


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