
发布 2020-09-26 13:26:28 阅读 3836

unit 5 weather lesson 1学案。

it’s sunny.

step1 preparation (热身回顾)

talk in pairs.(两人一组用所给句型谈论一下所给**)

a: what season is it?

b: it’s summer. it’s hot in summer. we often wear t-shirts.

step2 presentation (设问导读)

watch the video and choose.(看**,选择)

a: it’s windy. it’s cold. put on your jacket.

b: it’s cloudy.

c: it’s sunny.

step3 practice (自学检测)

1. read and match. (词图连线)

2. listen and imitate,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(听录音模仿,并注意语音语调。)

3. role play the dialogue. (分角色朗读文本)

step4 production (巩固训练)

let’s talk.(用所学句型,两人一组谈论下面的**)

eg. a: it’s windy. it’s cool.

b: let’s go to the park.

step5 progress (拓展延伸)

1. let’s do


2.let’s read.(读一读,看一看下面的天气符号)

unit 5 weather lesson 2学案。

it’s snowing.

step1 preparation (热身回顾)

talk about the pictures in pairs. (用第一课所学的句子,同位谈论下面的图画。)

eg. a:it’s windy. it’s cool.

b:let’s go to the park.

step2: presentation (设问导读)

watch the video and choose.(看**,选择)

a: oh, it’s snowing.

b: how’s the weather in beijing, jenny? it’s raining.

step3: practice (自学检测)

and match. (词图连线)

2. listen and imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .(听录音模仿,注意语音语调)

3. role play the dialogue. (分角色表演对话)

step4 production (巩固训练)

let’s talk( 用所学句型两人一组讨论下面的**)

a: how’s the weather in shanghai?

b: it’s raining.

step5 progress (拓展延伸)

let’s do


a: how’s the weather in beijing today?

b: it’s sunny.


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