
发布 2020-05-28 06:13:28 阅读 6229

unit 4 then and now

lesson 1

学习目标。1. 能够读懂题目要求,学会听前**听力的重点内容,能运用基本听力技巧,捕捉重点信息,完成本部分听力任务。

2. 能够理解对话大意并能正确朗读所学对话。

3. 能够在**的帮助下,在情境中运用there be 句型,用三两句话描述某个地方过去与现在的变化,理解one day,look it up,in my time, internet的意义和用法。

学***。任务一(task 1):初读课文,将你单词only ,stars,easy,look up ,internet结合课文内容想一想它们是什么意思?

任务二(task 2)结合课文内容,想一想文中there was no library in my old school. tell us about your school, do you know that?there were no computer or internet in my time.


任务三(task 3)用英语there be 句型进行交流,说一说某个地方与现在的变化?



巩固运用。活动一(activity 1)读题,**听力答案。听题,判断正确错误。

today,there is a guest visiting the school. listen and tick or cross.

)the school changed a little.

)grandpa could use computers when he was at school.


选词填空。or in about on at

1. could you see stars___night

2. tell us __your school?

3. i was born __2005.

4. i look it up __the internet.

5. there were no computers __internet in our times.

活动三(activity 3)

单项选择。1. there waslibrary in his old school.

a. not b. no c. no a

2. could you __the moon at night?

a. look b. watched c. see

___on the moon at night?

a. look up it b. looked up it c. look it up

4.__was your mother’s school like?

a. howb. whatc. what’s

___about your family, please .

myc .me

拓展延伸。1. 情景交际:number the sentences.

)it was me.

)we are all different now. i didn't like maths before. now i do.

)really? you are such a good basketball player now. could you play basketball well then?

)who's this short little boy, d**id?

)no, i couldn't. now, i'm tall. i can jump high. and i can run fast.

2. 文化园地。




unit 3 then and now lesson 2 学习目标。1 听 说 读 写五个单词 dining hall,grass,gym,years ago,last year,months ago,last month。2 能够使用句型 there be 来描述某个地方的过去与现在。3.了解唐朝...


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