
发布 2020-05-28 06:10:28 阅读 8628

unit 1 i don’t believe it !

学习目标】1.掌握单词或短语:believe,snake,***,lucky,bamboo,its,body,come out of,flute,get.

2.大多数学生能听懂并运用句型:i don’t believe it!

“do snakes love music? i like---he likes---we like---以及相应的否定句。

重点难点】学习句型“ do snakes love music? i like---he likes---we like---以及相应的否定句。

教学过程】一. 自学导学。





1)i don’t believe it!

2)do snakes like music?

3)pandas eat for twelve hours a day.

4)i like noodles.

5)i don’t like fish.




1)what do pandas eat?

2)what can snakes do?

3)can snakes hear?



达标测试】一. 很据句意和首字母补全单词。

1. i can’t b___it.

2. panadas love b

3. it gangry.

4. do snakes lmusic?

5. panadas eat ftwelve hours a day.


)1. do you like noodlesa. it’s a cd-rom

)2. can snakes hearb. no,they don’t.

)3. what is the presentc . yes, i do.

)4. do snakes like musicd. they are panadas.

)5. they love are they? e. no,they aren’t.

unit 2 panadas love bamboo.

学习目标】1. 大多数学生能够听说读写本单元的单词或短语。

2. 大多数学生能听懂并运用句型:i like --do you like---

3. 用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。

4. 正确,流利的朗读对话。

重点难点】1. 大多数学生能听懂并运用句型:i like --do you like---

2. 用一般现在时描述动物及其习性。

教学过程】一. 自学导学。

1. 根据汉语意思写出对应的英语单词。


熊狗熊猫。2. 你会读下面的句子吗?

1)elephants like water?

2)snakes love the sun .

3)sheep like grass.




1)what do bears like to do in winter?

2)do sheep like greass?

3)what do snakes love?

2. 跟读对话,回答问题。

3. 小组内表演对话,注意语调优美。

达标测试】一. 选词填空。

1. the catfish. a . like b. likes c. liking

2. the snakeslike the flute. a. isn’t b. don’t

c. doesn’t

3. bearsin winter. a. swim b. fight c. sleep

4. rabbitscarrots. a. like b. likes c. liking

5. we lovesun. a. the b. a


1. it is red and yellow.

is it?

2. it can swim in the river.

it3. the snakes come out of the box because the are afraid of the flute.

the snakes come out of the box?

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