
发布 2020-05-07 06:41:28 阅读 1072

教学内容:lesson 5 what are they doing?

教学目标:(知识目标)学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: -what are doing ?-they are ing ?






教学过程:step 1 、greetings and review

show some words on ppt and review the words:cry make run talk h**e shop sleep dance sit

phrases:draw a picture sing a song read a book listen to music


step 2、leading in

板书:lesson 5 what are they doing ?

show some pictures and ask where are they ? students answered : the are on the train.

然后导入新课的第一部分:people on the train

学生朗读课文并回答:1、what is the baby doing now? does jenny know?

2、what is the woman doing now?

3、who is playing cards?

4、what is danny doing?

then show the pictures of our english book :

li ming : what is the baby doing now, jenny?

jenny: i don’t know. i can’t see the baby.

li ming : what is the woman doing now ?

jenny: she’s reading the news*****. who is playing ?

li ming : the man behind me is playing cards with his friends. they are h**ing fun.

解释这段话的意思,并重点讲解居**现的短语:read the news*****, play cards, h**e fun领同学多读几遍;接着展示ppt并提问:where is danny?

oh,no! i can’t find danny danny:i’m playing with the baby. 讲解play with

给学生三分钟的时间,让同桌之间互相提问运用该句型 :-what are doing ?-they are ing ? 然后抽学生回答并总结;

step 3、practise


step 4、summary


words: can,card,fun,find,sure

phrases: read the news*****, play cards, play with.

sentences: what is doing?

he/she is ing...

what are you/they doing?

i’m/they’re ing...

step 5、homework

1. 写出本课出现的单词、短语和句子;

2. 同桌之间熟练运用本课的句型来互相提问;

板书设计。lesson 5 what are they doing?

words: can,card,fun,find,sure

phrases: read the news*****, play cards, play with.

sentences: what is doing?

he/she is ing...

what are you/they doing?

i’m/they’re ing...


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