
发布 2024-03-04 00:05:09 阅读 2907

unit 4 what can you do?(第二课时)(对话课)


理解情态动词can的陈述句和疑问句的用法,能正确运用can进行表达。能听懂、会说are you helpful at home?what can you do?

i can… you’re helpful!并能在情境中熟练运用。2、能力目标:

能够询问、了解他人的生活自理能力,并做出相应的回答,如:areyouhelpful?what can you do? i can…






本课时的教学重点是what can you do? i can….,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。



step 1: warm-up

1. free talk and review

2.(t:one two three s:

three two one)t: hello, boys and girls. how are you, today?

s: i am fine, thank you.

and you? i am fine, too.(期间夹杂动作)

t: now i h**e a game here. let’s play the game.

i will ask two ss come here and youcan take two cards. if i count two, you must show your cards, at the same time youmustremembertheother’ more phrases, who is the winner. are you ready(yes)let’s begin.

one, two, show me your card.

one, two, show me your card. ok, let’s say the second: no.1…no.2…)

t: please look at me, and i will do the actions you can guess and say the perfect.

sweepthefloor\cookthemeals\cleanthebedroom\emptythetrash\watertheflowers)2. let’s chant

t: wow, you’re helpful. now let’s h**e a chant,please stand up and look at the screen.

(dog, dog, what can you do?i can run after panda, what can you do?i can eat so much mouse, what can you do?

i can hide in the shoe.

mike, mike, what can you do?i can draw animals in the zoo!)

设计意图:韵律节奏明显的歌谣容易吸引学生的注意,同时又服务于本课时的教学,达到复习旧知并自然导入新授环节的目的。)step 2: presentationlet’s try

t:(接let’s chant)the dog can run, the panda can eat bamboo, mike can draw animals,and he also can do many other things. can you guess what can he do?

let’s listen tothe tape and tick the right what can you do,mike?

mike: i can sweep the floor.i can cook the meals.i can clean the bedroom.and i canwater the flowers.

grandma: great! you're helpful! )t:h**e you finished it?s:yes.

flowers…so he is helpful at you helpful(有帮助的,有益的)at home?(板书)(你在家里帮忙吗?)s: yes./sure.

t: what can you do? (板书)

s: i can…(多让些学生探索,多问几个学生)3. let’stalk

t: wow, you’re all helpful! chen jie is helpful at home, too.

what can she do? let’slisten and look.

1)just listen and say : what can chen jie do?(2)listen again and read the dialogue in different roles.

设计意图:通过group work操练本节课的重难点句型,并锻炼学生说的能力。本环节从听说、认读到写,培养学生听说读写综合运用能力。

引导学生把本节课所学的内容在自己头脑中整合并输出。)4. group work

1)make a survey (work in 3 a group)

hand, there isa piece of *****, please lookatthe *****and makeasentence as follow.)example:housesweepworkname

a: are you helpful at home?







theb: yes./ what can you do?b: i can…

a: great, you’re helpful!(太好了,你能帮忙了)(2)report

gives an example, then let ss write down their reports andshow it out.

my friend is **she’s/he’s tall ,strong and healthy, she’s/he’s helpful, she/he cancook the meals, clean the bedroom, sweep the floor and empty the trash.

2.教师出示一张日历,上面写着:mother's day,教师问:

what day is today?学生回答后,教师说:the second sunday in may is mother's day.let’s do somethingforour mothers on that day?

what can you do ? let’s make a dialogue as follow.例如:

s1: today is mother's day, mom.happy mother's day! let me help you.m:

what can you do, good boy/girl?s1: i can ..

m: great! you're helpful!step 3: consolidation and extensionsome tips

t: you’re helpful at home. when you do housework, there are some tips for you, let’ssee together.

when you cook the meals, remember to switch off the gas.(烧饭别忘关煤气,否则是很危险的。)


when you do the dishes, remember to rinse off the detergent.(洗碗筷要将洗洁精冲净,否则对身体有害)

when you wash the clothes, remember to separate the coloured clothes from the whiteones.(洗衣服易褪色衣服要分开洗,否则会相互染色,损坏衣服。)step 4:

if you help others,you will get help from them.

助人者,人助之。)let’s be helpful!step 5: homework

1. listen to the tape and read on p46-47 3times.2. finish the dialogue.六、教学反思:

本课时从let's chant的i can…导入,用游戏的方式检查了单词的拼写,同时锻炼了学生的快速反应,为进一步深入学习做好铺垫。

接着从let's talk的机械操练,到group work的趣味性操练,再到“**活动”的实际应用,循序渐近,使学生将知识层层深入。


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