
发布 2023-08-11 04:44:05 阅读 7309

unit fivethere is a big bed

一.教学内容:a. let’s learna.

let’s play二.教学目标1.能听、说、读、写单词“clock”,“plant”,“bike”,“water bottle”和“photo”,并能用句型“there is…”表达某处有某物。2.

能做“let’s play”部分的游戏。


1.能听、说、读、写单词“clock”,“plant”,“bike”,“water bottle”和“photo”,并能用句型“there is…”表达某处有某物。2.

能做“let’s play”部分的游戏。难点:

教学there be句型的简单运用。四.教学准备。

1.教师准备多**课件、录音机和录音带、**、衣服实物。2.学生准备画笔和画纸。五.教学过程 free talk

t: good morning, everyone. how are you today?

ss: fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too.


1. t:look!

this is my room. (课件出示一间干净、整齐的房间)t: what can you see in my room ?

s: i can see a bed, a desk and a…

2. sharp eyes(快速出示**,让生用英语快速说出看到的物体的名称)t: this is a nice want to make this room nicer.

so i need to put morethings in this a. let’s learn(1)教学新单词。

t: first, let’s put a clock in the room. (教师边说边点击课件,出现一个钟表,并**录音) now there is a clock in the room.

follow me, pleas. clock, c-l-o-c-k,clock, there is a clock in my room.

教师用同样的方法引出词语:plant, water bottle, bike, photo(2)教师带领学生读几遍新词汇,学生齐读。(3)大转盘(当指标指到那个单词时,生用句子there is a/anin the picture.

) let’s play先出示课本插图。



1. let’s write2.




unit five there is a big beda. let’s learna. let’s play

clockplantbottlewater bottlebikethis is my room. there is a clock, a…



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unit 5 there is a big bed 第一课时。课时目标。1.能听 说 读 写单词 clock plant bike water bottle 和 photo 并能用句型 there is 表达某处有某物。2.能做 let s play 部分的游戏。3.培养学生积极与他人合作的优良品质...