
发布 2023-07-21 23:02:27 阅读 7547



p5. 二、教学目标与要求:

1. 知识目标:使学生能理解并认读teachers’ office, library, garden, playground, first, second等词汇,能认读 where’s the library?

it’s on the first/second floor. go to the __read a book. say hello.

play football. water the flowers. we win.


2. 能力目标:使学生能用“where’s the __it’s on the first/second floor.”进行谈论。

3. 拓展:canteen, third—tenth, hand in the homework. do sports.




序数词的读法,尤其是first/second/third;teacher’s 与teachers’的区别。



step 1 warming up

1. sing a song: our school.

2. ask and answer:

t: hello, boys and girls. nice to see you again.

how are you? (fine. very well.

so so. not bad. i’m great.

) how old are you this year? i’m __years old). how old is your father/mother?

now we are at school. welcome back to school.

step 2 presentation

1. 呈现this way, please.

t: look! this is our school. this way, please. (教,反馈)

2. 呈现classroom和class:

(1) look! this is our classroom. class+room=room (教,反馈)

(2) 运用class并拓展班级的表达法:

以四(1)班(class one, grade four)为例,学生说说四(2)班、四(3)班、四(4)班、四(5)班、四(6)班、四(7)班的表达,以及“刚进小学时我们在那个班”、“去年我们在哪个班”、“六年级时我们在哪个班”。

(3) 对话应用:

a: are you in class __grade

b: yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

a: what class are you in?

b: i’m in class __grade __

3. 呈现teachers’ office及相关tpr:

(1) (图)t: is this our classroom? ss: no, it isn’t.

t: it’s the teachers’ office. (教,反馈)

(2) 区别:teachers’ office, sarah’s mother, teacher’s desk

(3) 谈论:what can you do in the teachers’ office? we can “say hello” and “hand in the homework”.


(4) 齐读:go to the teachers’ office. say hello. hand in the homework.

4. 呈现library及相关tpr:

(1) (图)t: is this the teachers’ office? no, it’s the library. (教,反馈)

(2) 谈论:what can you do in the library? we can read a book. (教)

(3) 齐读:go to the library. read a book.

5. 呈现playground:

(1) (图)t: what can we do here? ss: play. play+ground=playground (教,反馈)

(2) 复习:(看**说)we can play football/basketball/table tennis/baseball. and we can run/jump/swim.

we call these “do sports”. 教,反馈)

(3) 齐读:go to the playground. play football. do sports.

6. 呈现garden:

(1) (图)t: wow! so beautiful!

can we do sports here? no, this is a garden. (教,反馈,注意den的发音)

(2) 谈论:what can we do in the garden? catch butterflies. water the flowers.

(3) 齐读:go to the garden. catch butterflies. water the flowers.

step 3 let’s do

1. 做笔记,加上hand in the homework. do sports.

go to the canteen. eat some noodles. h**e a snack.

2. 启发win的读法,小老师领读。

3. 看动画,跟读。

step 4 let’s learn

1. 学习五层楼第一至第五楼的说法。

运用:it’s on the __floor.

2. 做笔记:加上。

playground first fourth garden second fifth canteen third eighth

3. 看动画;

4. 小老师领读。

5. 问答:

t: where’s the canteen/library/teachers’ office? where’s our classroom?

where’s mr yang’s office?

6. 填空:

our classroom is on the __floor. the teacher’s office is on the __floor. the canteen is on the___floor.

the library is on the __floor. our school is beautiful. i love our school.


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