
发布 2023-04-08 09:25:28 阅读 8341

1、能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答my name’s …并能在实际情境中运用。



教学重点:能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答my name’s …并能在实际情境中运用。其中name单词发音需要格外突破。

教学难点:1、能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答my name’s …其中name单词发音需要格外突破。


step 1 warm-up

1. greetings:

t: hello! boys and girls. let’s sing a song.

hello! (clap and sing)

step 2 revision

1. words: pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon

1) look and say.挡住**的一角猜测物品。

2) read the words together.

2. let’s do.

listen to the tape and look at your book, then do the actions.

step 3 presentation

1. title

t: today we are going to learn unit 1 hello! part b let’s talk / let’s play start to read.

can you read after me? unit 1 hello! part b let’s talk / let’s play start to read

ss: unit 1 hello! part b let’s talk / let’s play start to read

2. “my name’s …”

1) t shows the mark of mike, sarah, chenjie, wu yifan, john,miss white, mr jones and ask the ss to say hello or hi to them.

2) t asks the ss to take out the marks on the activity book. choose one and put it on their heads.

t: hello! what’s your name?

s1: i’m chenjie.

t: good. you can also say “my name’s chenjie”.

my name’s… follow me. my name’s… name, name. look at my mouth!

name. close your mouth. /m/ name.

who can try?

t: good! 同理对第二个第三个人说。what’s your name?

ss: my name’s …

3. “what’s your name?”

t: 把zoom的头饰放在头上hello! boys and girls! (对全班挥手)

ss: hello!

t: do you know my name? you can ask me “what’s your name?

”慢慢带读。what’s, your, name. what’s your name?

who can try?

t: ask me together.

ss: what’s your name?

t: my name’s zoom. i’m zoom. my name is zoom.

ss: hello, zoom.

t 再把zip的头像放头上。

ss: what’s your name?

t: my name’s zip.

t: choose one mark and keep it secret. what’s my name? ask me, please.

ss: what’s your name?

t: my name’s…

step 4 practice

1) t: now please choose one mark and keep it secret, then ask and answer.提醒注意只有对方问对问题才回答。


2) pair works.教师巡视,指导。

3) presentation. invite some students to present.教师指导可以在问话前可以先打招呼比较礼貌。

t: you can say hello or hi before you start to talk. after that, you can say goodbye or bye bye.

that will be more politely.

4) goodbye. bye.

t: hello, i’m miss wang.

s1: hello, miss wang, i’m…

t: goodbye! 挥手再见,做离开的动作。


t: hi, i’m miss wang.

s1: hi, miss wang. i’m…

t: bye! 挥手再见,做离开的动作。


step 5 text

1) first listening.

t: today we’ll meet a new friend. who is he? let’ listen! listen and point please.

2) check the answers.

t: who are they? who can tell me? hands up, please! 做举手的动作。、

ss: …3) second listening. listen and imitate.

t: listen again and repeat. who can imitate that best.

4) third listening. role play.

t: boys are mike. girls are the others. let’s read the text together.

role play in your groups.


step 6 let’s play

1) t: choose a mark and put it on your head. let’s welcome our friends together.

let’s say welcome. read after me please. welcome, welcome.

(drill the new word.) invite a student and act with him or her as an example.

2) pair work.

3) presentation

ss: hello. what’s your name?

s1: my name’s xx.

ss: welcome!

ss: hello. what’s your name?

s2: my name’s xx.

ss: welcome!

step 7 homework

1. listen and repeat the text five times.

2. review unit1 part a let’s talk and let’s learn. prepare to act out the dialogue.



unit1 hello


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