
发布 2023-04-01 08:56:28 阅读 8793

小学一年级英语上册unit 1 hello教学设计。

课题unit1 hello●使用1课时●总第1课时●教学目标。


2.能听懂、会说人物姓名liu tao yang ling3.能听懂miss,stand up.●教学重点难点。


i’m要求发音准确、语调自然。2.能听懂、会说人物姓名liu tao yang ling教学难点:能用i’m做自我介绍。


unit 1hello

hi/helloi’mliu tao

yang ling


练习hello/ hi i’m…


教学随笔。step1 warm up

t:hi, boys and hi。

t:同学们,我们要开始上课了。大家要一起说stand up。起立。学习stand up。(t-an, s, d, stand)(u, p, up)

t: class stand hi!

ss: hi!

repeat 3 times

step 2 hi!

与学生打招呼,并热情的挥手。引导同学也用hi来回答。t; hi!ss: hi!学习hi!学生齐读。

2..t-s1:hi!s1: hi!

t: can you speak to s2?你能用hi和你后面的同学打招呼吗?s1-s2: hi!s2-s1: hi!

3. t-s1: hi!s1:hi!t-s2: hello!


4.用hi hello与同学随机打招呼。并进行pair work,同桌间练习请同学来进行表演。及时表扬。

5. t:(自我介绍)hello!i’m miss g.学习i’m和miss学生齐读。

t-s1: hello, i’m miss g.

but i don’t know your name.

can you introduce yourself usei’m?但是老师还不知道你的名字。你能用i’m来介绍下你的名字吗?s1:…

t: good!(给与奖励)t: who can? (要求要举手)


6. t: very good!

now, can you use hello/hi, i’m… tointroduce yourself?谁能用完整的句子来进行自我介绍呢?ss:hello/hi,i’m…

7. t: look at the tv.

let’s find out who are they?

让我们来看电视,找找看,故事里的这两个人叫什么?watch the cartoon of picture out the answer

学习liu tao and yang ling.

8. t: how can you find the answer the answer?


hello,i’m liu hi,i’m yang ling.

9. t: listen carefully,and repeat

仔细听,让我们一起来模仿下语音语调。pair work.


look carefully, and copy.

仔细看,让我们一起来模仿下动作。pair work.


11. play a game: random choicet choose ss by them to act.



课题unit1 i’m liu tao●使用1课时●总第2课时●教学目标。

1.会用hi、hello和已经认识的同学打招呼。2.认识人物wang bing和su hai.



.认识人物wang bing和su hai.



unit 1 hello

i’m...su haihi/hellowang bingliu tao

yang ling


课内pair work课外。


step11. greetingst: hi!ss: hit: hello!ss: hello!

t: class begings.

who can remember how to say?考考大家,我们该说什么呢?

教学随笔。s1 tell the answer to the teacher with low voice.

学生悄悄地告诉老师,选出记性好,认真上课的同学奖励。复习stand up.演练3遍。

step2 presentation

do you remember my name ?复习miss

sorry, i can’t remember your you introduce yourself?复习i’m

a game:pass the flower(击鼓传花)introduce yourself to the class.

进过了一天的学习生活,学生之间还并不认识,请学生自我介绍。play the pass the flower.

when music stops, the s who has the flower should introduce himself to the class.

a game: i h**e a long hello,i’m…s1: hello,i’m…

s1 stand in front of teacher, and act as the head of the hello,i’m…s2- s1: hi,i’m…

s2 stand in front of s1, and act as the head of the train.…

we h**e such a long you remember the two?liu tao and yang can act as them?who can act as they do?

today i will introduce anther carefully, what are their names?watch the cartoon of picture

wang bing and su hai.学wang bing and su hai.

how do you know?check.

read after the tape.齐读。分角色读。

watch carefully, and act as they do.仔细观察,认真模仿。齐读。分角色读。和同桌读。扮演。


a game: act in different scenespair work




课题unit1 i’m liu tao●使用1课时●总第3课时●教学目标。

1.帮助学生学会用英语介绍自己,常用句子:hello , hi , i am …。2.学习巩固人物。3.学唱歌曲《hello》


教学重点:帮助学生学会用英语介绍自己,常用句子:hello , hi , i am …。


unit 1 hello

i’m...su haihi/hellowang bingliu tao

yang ling




step 1 greeting1. greetingst: hi!ss: hit: hello!ss: hello!

t: class beings.

who can remember how to say?考考大家,我们该说什么呢?

s1 tell the answer to the teacher with low voice.

教学随笔。学生悄悄地告诉老师,选出记性好,认真上课的同学奖励。复习stand beings。

ss:stand up。t:

hi, boys and hi,miss hello, boys.

boys:(引导男生回答) hello, miss hello, girls.

girls: (引导女生回答)hello, miss sit down, please.

step 2 review and after the tape

the whole part.

divide ss into groups of

the whole part.

divide ss into groups of

by one.


a game:

show the shadows of the four ss.

show the pictures of the four ss quickly.

a game: fun time

ss stand in a big and a small the music.

when stop, greet to the ss in face to face.

7. play a game: i h**e a long hello,i’m…s1: hello,i’m…

s1 stand in front of teacher, and act as the head of the hello,i’m…

s2- s1: hi,i’m…s2- t: hello, miss hello, s2

s2 stand in front of s1, and act as the head of the hello, i’m…s3: hello,i’m…s3-s1: hello, hello, s3s3-t:

hello, miss hello, s3…

8. t: let’s enjoy a song:

play the music

1)how many ss are their in the music?2)what are their names?

lily、amy、wang bing,tommyplay again,learn to sing.齐唱。


课题unit1 hello●使用1课时●总第4课时●教学目标。

1.复习巩固,能根据所听到的名字,正确辨认出第一单元**现的四个人物su hai, wangbing, liu taoyang ling的形象,能看图说出这四个人物的名字,发音准确。2.能正确对话。




unit 1 hello

i’m...suhaihi/hellowang bingliu tao

yang ling



运用所学的日常交际用语,朗读课文●教学过程step1 greetingt:class beings。ss:

stand up。t: hi, boys and hi,miss hello, boys.

boys: hello, miss hello, girls.

girls: hello, miss g.

教学随笔。t: sit down, please.

step2 review

the story a song a game: i’m…

four groups are the four ss: su hai, yang ling, wang bing, and liu tao1)t call one’s name, the group should stand up and greet back.

2) t say hello,i’m miss g, ss should all stand up and introduce themselves back.

a game: i h**e a train.

four ss wear the masks of su hai, yang ling, wang bing, and liu should get all the four into his train.

step3 practicea: listen and circle


b look and say


c: make and say




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