
发布 2022-11-12 03:02:28 阅读 5504


t: hello, boys and girls!

s: hello teacher!

t: how are you ?

s: im fine, thanks.

s: how are you ?

t: im fine, thanks.

step2: new concepts

1. t: now, lets listen to a song“a b c”.

here are 26 letters in english. today well learn 4 letters “a b c d” (设计意图: 通过《字母歌》让学生对26个字母有一个初步的感知,为本课的字母学习打下基础)

2. t: look, this letter is a.

read after me, please. s:a t:

its big letter “a”. this is small letter “a ”.read after me.

s: a t: who can read it?

(找几名自告奋勇的学生读) t: lets look, how to write it?(板书) show me your finger, lets write it together.

s: aa(学生用手书空) t: look at me, this is a.

(do action) can you ? s: yes.

t:(出示apple的卡片)whats this? s:

apple **学习26个英文字母儿歌flash 大全-教育**-热播网 (教授 b c d 方法同上) t: lets play a game. well make two groups, lets see who is quick and right.


t: i think you are tired. lets h**e a rest.

listen to a song, please. look, who can try to say it?(出示课件:

goodbye bye.) s: good-bye.

bye. t: good-bye.

bye.(边领读边做动作) t: see you later.

(边说边做动作) who can guess whats the meaning? s:再见 t:

see you later.(教师领读) t: lets make a dialogue.

first ill give you a model.(邀请一名学生和老师合作完成对话) t: hello, how are you?

s: im fine, thanks. t:

see you later. s: see you later.

t: now, who volunteers?(几组学生展示) (设计意图:

创设机会,培养学生的合作意识,树立自信心) step3: class closing t: you do a good job.

class is over, good-bye everyone. s: good-bye, teacher.

do the activity book: lesson 6

六、板书设计: lesson 7: a b c d apple bookcatdoor


lesson 8 letters

一、、教学目标: 知识目标:掌握字母能力目标:

1.掌握ee, ff, gg, hh. 2.

学生能够运用和认识:she, he, friend, this is

情感目标:培养团结友爱、讲文明、懂礼貌的优良品质。 二、教学重难点: 1.教学重点:字母ee, ff, gg, jj 2.教学难点: gg和 jj的读音

三、教具学具: 词汇卡片,教室内的物体,字母表,录音机


一 class opening and review: t:how are you?

a game: “stop! go!

” sing a song: a b c song.

二new concepts: learn the new letters: ee ff gg hh(出示字母卡片) t:

look at the blackboard. read after me:ee……(板书,用手领着学生书写) t:

who can read?(检查学生的读音) t: who can tell me how to remember this letter?

t:谁能用手指或身体来表示出ee 出示字母ff t:look at the blackboard.

read after me ff……(板书,用手领着学生书写) t: who can read?(检查学生的读音) t:

who can tell me how to remember this letter? t:谁能用手指或身体来表示出ff 字母gg hh和上面的教法一样,但要注意gg的读音以免和后面的jj混了 t:

play a game: “guess” where is the letter “e出示单词卡片eraser, fish, girl, hand让学生放到相应的地方。

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