
发布 2022-11-12 02:40:28 阅读 1421




lesson 9 where is my cat

一。教学目标(teaching aims)

1.能够听说读写单词:on,under,in ,the2.能够听懂·会说单词:where,don't,know,but3.能够熟练掌握句型:

where is my cat? it's under the bed .whose umbrella is under the desk?

sorry, i don't know.

二。教学重。难点(key points and difficult points)1.重点:单词on,under,in.句型:where is ..

it's on/in/under the...2.2.难点:方位的问答。


四。教学过程(teaching process)1.热身(warming-up)

stand up and sit down)训练学生的反应能力和集中孩子的注意力。2.复习(review)

umbrella,a box,a rabbit,a bed,in,on,under.

1)用闪卡方式(露出单词一角,让学生猜是哪个单词)(2) words missing游戏(写出几个单词,让孩子们说出单词空白处的几个字母)3.介绍新课。


a:now. look at this picture.

what is it?--yes, it's a cat. it's a lovely cat...

随后将猫的卡片藏起来做出苦的表情说:the cat is missing, so where is my cat?-look!

it's on the chair.


b:what is this?-it's an whose umbrella is under the desk?

sorry, i don't know. but where is my umbrella ?-look! it's on the desk.-thank you.

3) open the book ,turn to page 51.讲解课文,并且中英互译。

4)学生分角色朗读课文。(5)a:介绍方位词in,on, :这个;那个;这些;那些。

老师拿出自己的课本,慢慢放在讲桌上说:this is my book. my book is on the desk.板书:on和on the desk

再把笔放在盒子说:now,my pen is in the box.板书:in the box

接着把笔放在书底下:my pen is under the book.板书:under the bookb:介绍问句。

where is my ..is it in/on/under the...

老师把自己的钥匙放在一个学生的课桌,假装找不到的样子说:where is my watch?

is it on my desk? look! it's on...s desk.

再把自己的课本·钥匙放在不同的地方,然后假装寻找,反复自问自答,让学生理解句子意思: is my key ? is it in the box?

look! it's in the desk.

is my book?is it on the desk?look! it's under the chair.

将where is my...is it ..the/my...

look! it's ..the/my...



主语be动词方位介词定冠词名词itison /in/undermy...4.练习巩固。

1)(1)让学生看课本let's practise的图画,让几个学生做示范问答。

where is the picture?--it is on the wall.

where is the rabbit ?-it is in the is the box?--it is under the desk.

2)(2)in/on/under ,用手势演示,熟练这几个单词的用法。in用左手握住右手;on把左手放在右手上,under左手做伞状,右手手指指在左手下。(3)(3)做游戏(贴鼻子)


it's on the head. it's under the mouth. it's in the eyes.来指示那个人,直到贴好鼻子。五.小结及作业。

1)课文抄一遍,中英互译(2)配套练习唱goodbye song结束本节课。

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