
发布 2022-11-12 02:38:28 阅读 2558

module 1

1. what’s your f**ourite song ?

it’s+歌曲。/ my f**ourite song is+歌曲。

2. what’s your f**ourite colour ?

it’s+颜色。/ my f**ourite colour is+颜色。

3. what’s your f**ourite leter ?

it’s+字母。/ my f**ourite leter is+字母。

4. what colour is it ? it’s +颜色。(对颜色的提问)

5. thank you to…

6. here you are. thank you.

module 2

this/that? it’s a/an… (元音前用an,an elephant)

are they ? they’re …(s) (前面问的是复数,所以后面的回答也要用复数。)


module 3

like +名词、动名词(在英语中like后面如果是名词直接加,如果是动词要把动词加ing变成动名词。)

don’t like +名词、动名词(在英语中like后面如果是名词直接加,如果是动词要把动词加ing变成动名词。)

例如:basketball,football,table tennis,morning exercises都属于名词,我们都可以直接说:i like basketball.

swim,skip, riding my bike 都属于动词我们就要说:i like swimming.

module 4

you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

xx like…? yes, he/she does. /no,he/she doesn’t.


module 5

amy at home? yes,she is./no,she isn’t.

goes to school on mondays.

that ? it’s tom.

xxx go to school on mondays?

yes, he/she does. /no,he/she doesn’t.

5. does xxx go to work on saturdays?

yes, he/she does. /no,he/she doesn’t.

6. she/he goes shopping on saturdays.

7. she/he plays football on saturdays.

8. she/he goes to school on mondays.

module 6

do you do+时间? i +活动+时间。

does xxx do +时间? he/she +活动(s或es)+时间。

do you h**e? i h**e +科目。

does xxx h**e? he/she has +科目。

5.时间有:on mondays,on saturdays,on mondays,in the morning,in the afternoon,today…

活动有:go swimming,sleep,play football,ride my bike,

watch tv…


module 7


warm/hot/cool/cold in spring/summer/autumn/winter.

+活动+in spring/summer/autumn/winter.

+天气 today.

5.活动有:fly kites,go swimming,play football,go skating.


module 8

is the…? it’s in/on/under/behind the…

flies a kite in the park.

swims in the lake.

goes fishing under the tree.

walks in the snow.

module 9

got a …=i h**e got a…

h**en’t got a….

you got a…? yes,i h**e./ no, i h**en’t.

xxx got a …?yes,she/he has./ no,she/he hasn’t.

got a…= she/he has got a…

hasn’t got a ….

注:h**e got a或has got a表示的是拥有一件一个东西,当表示有trousers,shoes复数时不用a直接用h**e got或has got)

module 10

a/an…= here is a/an…

put on funny clothes for the party.

your/my/his/her turn now.







3.当主语为第三人称单数时,谓语动词用三单,也就是s或es形式。(he和she,或单独一个人名也就是句型中的xxx,或者是mymother,her sister…都属于三单。





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