
发布 2022-11-12 03:03:28 阅读 8044



listening part听力部分(10分)


二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子, 并把序号填入题前括号内。(5分)

﹚1. a. i’m a teacherb. i’m a student.

﹚2. a. i’m from the usab. i’m from the uk.

﹚3. a. this is my fatherb. this is my mother.

﹚4. a. the bear is shortb. the giraffe is tall.

﹚5. a. the man is my teacher. b. the man is my brother.

writing part 笔试部分(90分)



six2. bag face (

3. leg egg4. china milk (


) 1. a. manb. elephant c. panda d. monkey

) 2. a. sister b. brotherc. water d. mother

) 3. a. thinb. mum c. short d. tall

) 4. a. canada b. china c. usad. pupil

) 5. a. pandab. armc. nosed. tail


)1. -who’s this womanmy mother.

a. she’sb. he’sc. it’s

) elephant has a __nose and a __tail.

a. short tall b. tall short c. long short

) father is a __

a. teacherb. boyc. student

)4. -where are you fromfrom china.

a. i’mb. you’rec. it’s

)5. -who’s thathe’s my brother.

a .girlb.

) 6. -nice to meet you. -nice to meet you,__

a. twob. tooc. to

) 7. -is he your father

isn’t b yes, she isn’t

( )8. look __the elephant.

a. atb. inc. on

) 9. -who’s that girlis sarah

a. heb. shec. it

) 10. it __a short tail .

a. h**eb. hasc. /


a. i'm from china. b. this is a tigerc. make your eyes big.

d. this is a boy. e. make your arms long.



a . how old are you? b. i’m sorry. c. nice to meet you again.


a. my name’s tom. is my sister. c .this is my teacher.


a. welcomeb. what’s your name? c. goodbye.

)4、你想询问别人“你来自**?” 应该说。

a. where are you from? b. how are you? c. nice to meet you.


a. who’s that manb. what’s that? c .who’s that woman?


) 1. who's that boya. you’ re welcome.

) are you fromb. she’s my sister.

) 3. is she your motherc. i'm from china.

) 4. who's that 's my brother.

) 5 .thank youe yes, she is.


a. is she your motherb. he is my father.

c. nice to see you, tood. i’m from china.

e. look at the giraffe.


i h**e a new friend. she is a girl. her name is kate.

she is ten years old. she is from the usa. she is very tall.

she has big eyes. i love this girl.

) 1. kate is a boy.

) 2. kate is my friend.

) 3. kate has big ears.

) 4. kate is ten years old.

) 5. kate is from canada.


三年级英语期末质量检测试卷。总分 100分考试时间 100分钟。卷首语 时间过得真快,转眼,我们已经结束了这学期的一半,我们到底学得怎么样呢?下面就来检验一下,同学们加油!你一定是最棒的!听力。一。听录音,编号 根据所听到的单词编号 10分 二 听录音,补全句子。10分 h e a newfrien...


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