
发布 2022-11-24 13:02:28 阅读 5463


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how many kites can you see?

the black one is a bird.


) boy c. man

) student c. father

) sixteen c. cat


1how many rabbits do you see?

i see___rabbits.

2how many pencils do you see?

i seepencils.

3how many jeeps do you see?

i seejeeps.

--how many cats do you see?

i seecats.

--how many cats do you see?

i seecats.



) 1. -how many crayons do you see?

a. i h**e one b. i see twelve c. i h**e nine.

)2.--look! i h**e a new kite.

your name? nice! can see one.

) 3. -let’s fly a kite.

a. welcome

--i’m 14.

a. how are you? are you from? old are you?

i’m from canada.

old are you? your name? are you from?

) 6.--how many pens do you h**e?

h**e twelve can see twelve.

) 7.--is she your sister?

a. great he is c. yes,she is.

)8.--who’s this man?

is my father.

)9is my toy car?

it is on the desk.

b. where

)10.--let’s h**e a race!

it and see. idea black one is a bird.



funny ! beautiful!


this girl? this girl?


a. how many birds do you see in the tree?

b. how many bears can you see?


a. come in,li watch.

b. come on,li watch tv.


are you from? old are you?

vii、 为下列句子选择合适的答语。(20分)

) many erasers do you h**e?

)2. look!i h**e a new bag.

) fly the new kite!

) are you from?

) many rabbits do you see?

根据上题选择正确**,把序号写在( )里。


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so 句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so.句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so.句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...